Page 17 of Burner Account

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“How bad do you want that puck?”


I cackled, not even caring that it tugged at my stitches. The pain was well worth it.

Much too soon, I was pulling into the parking lot by the park, and Isaiah directed me to a black Toyota pickup. Disappointment twisted in my stomach as I slowed to a stop behind his truck.

“Well…” He unbuckled his seat belt but didn’t reach for the door yet. “It was really good to meet you. I’m definitely game to do this again.”

“Me too. I…” My thoughts died away as I met his gaze across the center console. Fuck, he was so gorgeous. Even in the blanched glow of the streetlights, with heavy shadows over his features, I could’ve stared at him all damn night. Especially those mesmerizing eyes.

And as close as we were sitting now…

I let my gaze flick to his mouth, and warmth rushed through me. Would he think I was crazy?

Isaiah tilted his head, the harsh light illuminating the deep crevices forming between his eyebrows. “You okay?”

“Yeah. Yeah. I’m…” Ugh. How was I supposed to explain this?

Then again, this was Isaiah. This wasIan. The man I’d been friends with for so long, we could talk about just about anything. This thing between us wasn’t as delicate or precarious as if we’d just crossed paths for the first time.

So… why not just come out with it?

As the engine idled, I sat back and pushed my hands into my hoodie pocket, staring out the windshield so I could avoid his gaze as heat bloomed in my face. “I, um… I kind of wish we’d waited another week or two to do this.”

“What? Why?” His tone was laced with worry and maybe even some panic.

Oh. Shit. That wasn’t what I wanted to do.

I met his gaze again, finding his gorgeous eyes full of that exact worry. As if he was afraid he’d done something wrong, or that I regretted tonight even though I’d said I wanted to see him again.

Not even close.

I forced back my nerves as I held his gaze. “Tonight was amazing. Better than I thought it would be.”

Some relief registered, but only a little, and he studied me in the low light, still concerned.

I took a deep breath as I pushed my shoulders back. “I just, uh… I just wish we’d waited a little longer so this”—I gestured at my stitched lip—“had time to heal.”

Now he was more confused than anything. “What do you mean? Because it hurts to laugh?”

“Well, that.” I hesitated. Then, heart slamming into my ribs, I whispered, “But mostly I mean Ireallywant to kiss you right now.”

Isaiah blinked.

Oh, fuck. I’d said it? I’d said it.

It took him a moment, but he finally spoke. “You… Are you serious?”

“Yes.” I fought the urge to chew my lip. “And I don’t even know if you’re into me, and I don’t want to rush anything, so maybe this is a good thing or—” I cut myself off before I started rambling nervously. Or, well,keptrambling nervously. After another breath to pull it together, I made myself hold his gaze. “If you just want us to be friends, I’m fine with that. Totally fine. But if…”

I wasn’t sure if I ran out of air or courage, or if I just couldn’t think anymore when his eyes were locked on mine.

Isaiah swept his tongue across his lips. “I’m, uh… I’m not going to say no. To seeing if, uh… If this goes somewhere.” He swallowed, eyes flicking toward my mouth, and his voice was faintly husky as he asked, “How long did you say until the stitches come out?”

Too damn long.

“A few more days.” Then I laughed dryly and rolled my eyes. “Of course they come out the day after we leave on a four-game road trip.”
