Page 47 of Burner Account

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I still couldn’t get over how visibly turned on and restless Isaiah had been when I’d told him I was an exclusive bottom. He’d known from the first time we’d fooled around that I liked to bottom, but he hadn’t realized I didn’t switch.

“I’ll bottom for a guy sometimes if he really wants it,” he’d told me. “But I prefer topping by far.”

“Perfect,” I’d replied as anticipation zinged through me. “Because I really,reallylike getting fucked. Like, a lot.”

The way Isaiah had closed his eyes and pressed his lips together, I’d known to my core he was getting hard, and I’d been dizzy with arousal. No surprise, we’d ended up jerking off on camera again.

Also no surprise: that hadn’t helped a goddamned bit.

Now I was on my way back to Pittsburgh. Isaiah was coming to my condo tonight. We were going to kiss—finally—and he was going to fuck me, andare we there yet?

I checked the time. It was around eleven o’clock Eastern time.

Still three hours before we touched down.

Still another two before he left work.

I closed my eyes and exhaled.

Are we there yet?

Chapter 15


The drivefrom the South Hills to Cranberry Township was maybe twenty-five minutes on a good day. Thirty-five to forty during rush hour. If I pushed the speed limit a little, I might even shave a few minutes off that drive.

God, yeah. The sooner I got there…

I squirmed in the driver’s seat. I was a ball of nerves and nagging self-doubt, but excitement and anticipation were mostly drowning all that out. Tanner and I had been exchanging racy texts off and on all damn day, leaving no room for questioning whether he wanted this. I’d been a restless wreck the whole time, waiting for the day to end so I couldgo.

As soon as I’d showered and changed after work, I took off from my place like it was on fire.

Soon, damn it. I’d have himsoon.

Joke was on me.

Ofcoursethere was a wreck on I-79. It didn’t even look like a bad one once I was close enough to see it—a lot of debris scattered across all the lanes, but the crumple zones had done what they were designed to do. There was an ambulance on the scene, but there was none of that urgency that suggested someone had been badly hurt. If I had to guess, it had just taken a while to move the vehicles out of the way to let traffic through.

If I’d been restless when I’d left the house, I was practically shaking with horny frustration now. Did the world not understand how bad I needed to get to Tanner Jeffries’ house and fuck him into oblivion?

I groaned into the silence of my truck and squirmed in the driver’s seat. I was almost there. Right? Just a little—

Traffic came to a halt. Again.

“Oh, no,” I muttered as I slowed to a stop behind an ominously long line of cars. “What now?”

For fuck’s sake. I’d been able to drive blessedly fast after the accident, but now this shit? Of course this slowdown started like twelve feetafterthe other exit I could’ve taken to Cranberry, so I had to just… sit in the backup until I reached the exit I wanted.

Fuck. I should’ve just taken that other exit.

Since I wasn’t moving, I texted Tanner,I swear I’m on my way.Traffic is…I followed that with a skull emoji.

LOL It’s ok. I’ll be here.

He followedthatwith eggplant and sploosh emojis.

I laughed despite my frustration. “Goddammit, Tanner.” Rolling my eyes, I put my phone down, then drummed my fingers rapidly on the wheel as I waited for traffic to break up.
