Page 66 of Burner Account

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Antonov, Davis, and I crushed Bens in hugs, and a second later, the rest of the team had cleared the bench to join us.

We did it. We fucking did it. After a slow start to the season and a nailbiter of a game, we’d won. We’d locked in our place for the postseason. Our work wasn’t done, not by a long shot, but we’d fucking done it.

Before we headed to the locker room, I found Isaiah in the crowd. His smile was bright and gorgeous, and I got an even bigger rush than I’d already had because he’dbeen here for this. I wouldn’t have to tell him all about the adrenaline rush and the intensity, because he’d experienced it too. He’d felt it. I had no doubt he’d been screaming and clapping along with everyone else, and there was just something so damn cool about sharing a night like this with him.

And, thought on my way up the tunnel, maybe that didn’t have to be over quite yet.

He usually left pretty quickly, so as soon as I was in the locker room, I stepped away from my teammates, dug my phone out of my bag, and texted Isaiah.

Tanner:Hey, we’re all going to celebrate. You want to come?

His response came a moment later.

Isaiah:You sure?

Tanner:Of course! Bring your friend if you want to.

No reply for a while.I suspected he was discussing it with his friend and, knowing him, he also wanted to get away from the thick crowd. That was fine; I wouldn’t be getting out of here until I’d showered and dressed anyway.

By the time I’d talked to the reporters, showered, and come back to get dressed, he’d responded.

Isaiah:Sounds great. When/where?

Tanner:Give me a few minutes to get changed and find out logistics.

He replied with a thumbs-up.

As I continued with my postgame routine, my heart fluttered. I was on top of the world right now, and I was going to see Isaiah soon.

Best. Night. Ever.

We endedup at a sports bar down the street from the arena. It was a place we went to often after a good game—not that I’d joined them much since I’d started dating Isaiah—and the staff always let us use their VIP lounge.

Isaiah was there when I arrived, which didn’t surprise me. Players always left long after most of the fans.

Walking into the place and seeing him there by the entrance…

Oh God. This night just keeps getting better.

It was all I could do not to stride up to him and kiss him, but we weren’t out yet. My teammates knew about him, and the guy with him knew about me, but there were cameras around. Couldn’t be too careful.

“Hey,” I said as I walked up to them. “Glad you could make it.”

Do you have any idea how bad I want to kiss you right now?

There was a little glint in his eyes that suggested that was mutual, but he didn’t mention it or reach for me. Instead, he gestured at the man beside him. “So, this is my friend Darren.” Isaiah smiled. “Darren this is Tanner. My, um…” The smile got even bigger. “My boyfriend.”

“You don’t say.” Darren elbowed him, then shook my hand. “It’s great to meet you. I’ve been hearing a lot about you.”

I smiled. “Great to meet you, too.” Nodding toward the VIP lounge, I added, “Can I introduce you guys to the team?”

They both looked so starstruck, it was hilarious. And in Isaiah’s case, adorable.

“Um, yes?” Darren said. “Please?”

Isaiah nodded. “What he said.”

We started toward the door, but Darren halted. “Oh, hang on.” He took out his phone. “My wife is calling. Give me a second?”

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