Page 16 of Locked In

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Yes, he did. He was a dick about it because it would be his responsibility to sort out whatever mess these girls were going to end up in and that would piss him off royally. Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he punched in a number.

“We’re running girls now?” he growled into the phone.

“And a good evening to you too, Flynn.” Archer Gray’s voice was smooth and unruffled as always.

“What the fuck are you doing? Do you know what kind of evil these girls are going to face with certain members?” It was one thing to run the Society but did he really know what he was doing?

There was a long silence. His voice was deceptively soft when he answered. “I assume you’ve met Gina and that’s what you are referring to.”

Archer did not like to be challenged.Too goddamn bad. “I haven’t met her yet but I’ve met one of her girls. Archer, this is not good. These girls…they’re kids.”

“They are not, in fact, children but I understand your hesitation and I am inclined to agree with you.” There was a sigh. “However, sometimes I do not get to make certain decisions.”

Flynn blinked.What the fuck?Archer made all the decisions, didn’t he? “The board?”

“Yes,” Archer ground out. “Months ago. Remington Tanger was the only one who voted against it and then he died.”

Flynn’s blood ran cold. He’d liked the old man. A lot. He didn’t know the granddaughter at all but had heard good things from Rush. He met her down in the Caribbean. “Are you saying someone killed the old man?”

“I’m saying the board voted in favor of offering the new service after his death.”

Flynn ground his teeth. Someone had murdered the old man. “Who suggested the service?”

There was another silence. Finally, Archer said, “Austin Davis.”

“Fucking asshole,” Flynn ground out.

He should’ve known. Davis and Eli Fisher and their cronies were all garbage. Pure evil. He’d take great pleasure in killing them one by one if Archer would let him.

“If they killed Remington Tanger that would be breaking the rules. Aren’t they supposed to be punished for that?”

“Yes,” Archer agreed. “But all in good time. There are…things that are in play.” He paused. “Regardless, there’s nothing we can do about Gina’s operation.” He paused again then added, “At the moment.”

At the moment.So, maybe there was hope to stop this train wreck.

“How goes the ghost hunting?” There was a smile in Archer’s tone.

Archer was ending the discussion. Nothing more would be said on the matter. Flynn just had to let it go. “Funny,” he growled. “Ghosts. Really?” he asked.

“So I’ve been told. I’m sure you’ll get to the bottom of it.”

“Yeah, sure,” Flynn agreed reluctantly.

Archer spoke to someone else, but the words were muffled and then he was back. “Watch out for things that go bump in the night,” he advised and then he was gone.

“Smart ass,” Flynn grumbled as he put his cell back in his pants pocket.

He leaned over the railing and stared down at the crowd below. The two young women in black stood chatting. This was a nightmare in the making. Nothing, and he meant fucking nothing, good would come of it.


“Hell of a night,” Shah said as he joined Flynn at the railing.

“Do you have cameras in the library?”

Shah frowned. “Yes. Why?”

“I’m going to want to take a look in the morning.” He raised an eyebrow. “There was a woman in the library. I want to know who she was, and what she was doing in there.”

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