Page 32 of Locked In

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He reluctantly brought his gaze back up to hers. “Go ahead and check.”

She paused, but he just walked over to the desk and leaned his butt on it, crossing his legs out in front of him. Huffing out a breath, she went over to the windows and moved the curtains back from the frame. Her oversized jacket caught on the edge of the windowsill and she swore. He tried to watch what she was doing but mostly he just watched her ass and then her back and any other part of her in his line of vision.

The hair on the back of his neck stood up. He turned and stared at the wall. Someone was watching them. It wasn’t a ghost. It was a real live human. Flynn knew it in his bones but how were they doing it? Was there a camera?

Harper sighed. “I was so sure Astrid was in here. Positive in fact. It just made sense.” She came over to stand beside him.

Part of him desperately wanted to tell her that she was right just to wipe the dejection from her face but that was not in the best interest of the Society, so not in his best interest. Besides, if he told her, she’d run right to the cops no matter what she promised and then there’d be a shit ton of problems that he’d have to deal with.


She remained silent for a beat. “No. There could be other green rooms in the house. She could’ve been in there. I want to keep looking. I have to keep looking. Astrid was like family. Her murder can’t go unsolved.”

Flynn let out an exaggerated sigh and sat back down on the desk. The feeling hadn’t gone away but he didn’t want to call attention to it and give Harper any ideas. “And if I tell you there are no other green rooms in the house, would you believe me?” Her scent engulfed him as the heat from her body penetrated his arm. He was having difficulty focusing on anything other than this alluring woman. He should be keeping her at a distance but what he wanted to do was take her now, here on the desk, in the library. They could make it a game. Where would he take her next? On the desk in the library, on the dining room table downstairs, or his personal favorite, on the pool table …like a game of Clue only with sex toys instead of weapons. He sucked in a deep breath trying to get his shit together. She was too fucking distracting for words.

“I suppose I have to believe you,” she said finally.

“But you don’t.”

She turned to face him. “No, I don’t.”

That stung. He didn’t like that she didn’t trust him. Not one bit. “At least we know where we stand. You don’t trust me and I—” The door to the library opened.

“And this is—” Mrs. Carruthers broke off. She glanced at Harper and then back at Flynn. “I’m sorry, Flynn. I didn’t realize you had a guest. You know you’re supposed to give me prior warning.”

“She’s not my guest,” he said, eyeing the men who had now filed into the library.

“Jason, what are you doing here?” Harper said as she swung around, her jacket hooking the stapler on the desk and knocking it to the floor. Flynn reached down and picked it up, putting it back in place.

The blond man spoke. “We’re here looking into Astrid’s death.” He turned to Flynn. “I’m Detective Jason Merritt,” he walked over and offered his hand.

“Flynn O’Connor.”

“You’re a member here at the club, Mr. O’Connor?” Merritt asked as he looked at Harper.

Flynn knew immediately that Merritt was pissed to see Harper there. The fact that he was at the club meant that either they had evidence of Astrid being there or she’d already told Merritt about the paint. Flynn was annoyed. He felt betrayed which was a little irrational, but he didn’t give a fuck.

He straightened. “No, I’m not a guest. I am part of the security team.”

“George! You’re back. How are you doing?” Harper asked the man behind Merritt. The chief obviously thought better of only having Jason and Lazlo on this case.

“Hey, Harper. Doing well. Got bored sitting at home watching shit TV. Had to get back in the saddle.” The large man came across the room. “I’m Detective George Crawley. I thought Ravi Shah was the security guy around here.” He was over six feet but heavy. All his muscle turned to fat and now he was just bulky. Probably a linebacker in high school but by the way he was moving, he was in pain.

“He is. I’m part of the global security team, just here on a site visit.”

“I see.”

“Sorry,” another voice said. “I got lost.” The kid that came through the door was tall. Taller than Flynn’s six foot-one inch height, and he was built. All muscle but the way he moved made it seem like he was uncoordinated. Like an over-excited dog. He stumbled as he came across the room. “I’m Billy er, Detective Lazlo.” He offered his hand.

Flynn shook the kid’s hand. Lazlo squeezed and Flynn met his gaze. This kid was no overzealous puppy. There was a coldness in his eyes that Flynn recognized because he saw it in the mirror every day. Then in an instant it vanished. Lazlo was a man to watch out for. He was far more dangerous than the other two combined.

“Why are you here?” Flynn asked.

“We’re looking into the death of Astrid Windsor. We received an anonymous tip that she might have been here.” Merritt tried hard to keep his gaze from Harper but failed.

Harper had the grace to blush as she straightened. Flynn had the urge to put his fist in Merritt’s face if for no other reason than the possessive look he just gave Harper.

“Did you speak to Shah about this?” he asked.
