Page 33 of Locked In

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Mrs. Carruthers’s back went ramrod straight. “They spoke to me about the matter, andIsaid they could search the library.”

Flynn pulled out his phone and sent a text to Shah. “This is why we have security. To deal with things like this, among other reasons.” He turned to Merritt. “You may search this room but only this room. You aren’t going on some wild fishing expedition across the whole house.”

Mrs. Carruthers opened her mouth to speak when Shah arrived.

He greeted the newcomers. “Gentlemen, it’s nice to see you. Sorry it’s under these circumstances.”

“Shah,” Merritt said and the other two nodded to him.

“George, how are you feeling? I heard you had surgery.” Shah moved further into the room and came to stand on the other side of Flynn.

“It hurts but I’m fine,” the large man said.

“Glad to hear it. As I’m sure Flynn said, you are welcome to search this room but I’m afraid I will have to limit it there.”

Mrs. Carruthers put her hands on her hips. “I see no reason why—”

“Thanks for your help, Mrs. Carruthers,” Flynn said. “Shah and I can take it from here.”

Her face flushed and her eyes narrowed. Flynn coldly stared her down. If she opened her mouth, he’d make sure she was gone by the morning. He couldn’t have cops wandering around this place no matter how innocent she thought everything was. It wouldn’t be one and done. Letting them in was a mistake. They could claim they saw all kinds of things that they could later get a warrant for. As it was, Flynn wasn’t comfortable with having them in the building at all. There was no way in hell he was going to turn them loose to search the whole thing.

Carruthers turned on her heel and stormed out.

Flynn turned back to Merritt. “Do your search. We will wait outside.” He turned to Shah. “You stay by the door.” Then he put his hand on the small of Harper’s back and ushered her out of the room. Merritt watched them go with a look of hatred in his eyes.So noted. The feeling was mutual.

Harper turned to him in the hallway. “I should stay—”

“No, you shouldn’t. You came here with Susan for another reason. I suggest you find her and do whatever it is she came here to do because if you go back in that room everyone will know that you’re the anonymous source and I’m guessing you don’t want that.”

She stared at him weighing his words. “I guess you’re right, but I would like to continue our…chat later.”

“Fair enough. Have dinner with me.” Flynn knew it was a mistake the moment the words left his lips but fuck it. He truly wanted to have dinner with her.

Harper hesitated. She stared at him and then glanced over at the library door. “Okay. Dinner. Where?”

“You tell me. This is your town. I have no idea where to eat. As long as it’s not here.”

She nodded. “Come to my place. We can order in.”

“Don’t want to be seen with me?” It stung a bit, he had to admit.

“No. I don’t want to have to answer all kinds of questions about you.”

He wasn’t sure he liked that answer any better but knew it was the best he was going to get. And, of course, there were benefits to being at her place where no one was watching…

“Is there a restroom up here?”

Flynn gave her directions and watched her walk down the hallway. Dinner was definitely a bad idea, and he hadn’t looked forward to something this much since coming home from Iraq.

He had plans for Harper Edwards and very little of them involved food.


Harper felt the weight of Flynn’s stare all the way down the hallway to the restroom. Once inside she closed the door and leaned against it. Disappointment filled her. She’d been so sure. So freaking positive Astrid had been here.

After washing her hands, she took one of the towels and dampened it, then ran it over her face. She was hot and tired and annoyed. Mostly she was off-center. Flynn O’Connor did that to her and now she’d agreed to have dinner with him. What the hell had she been thinking?

Who was she kidding? She’d been thinking he was sexy as hell and that she trusted him. She’d been amazed how safe she felt around him and having him in her condo would make her feel if not better, at least more comfortable about what had happened last night. And, if she were being honest, she would admit she was thinking about having him in her bed.
