Page 38 of Locked In

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Shah’s shoulders slumped. “No, not with that one either.”

Flynn glanced at the clock. It was already eight-thirty. “Let’s go get some dinner. We can regroup in the morning.”

Shah stood up. “Sounds good to me. I’m staying here again tonight.”

He looked at Shah. “Why?”

“What do you mean?”

“Why did you stay after the party and why are you staying tonight? Why not go home?”

Shah sighed and his shoulders slumped a little bit. He rubbed his hands down his face. “Donovan’s mom and I are having some…issues.”

Under normal circumstances, Flynn would stop right there. He didn’t need to know anyone’s personal life unless it impacted his personal job performance. But his gut told him there was more to this story. “And?”

Shah leaned forward and placed his elbows on the desk and then sunk his head into his hands. “She wants me to get Donovan more involved with work. He’s interested in the security field and she thinks this is a great opportunity.”

The light bulb went on. Flynn grimaced. “She has no clue about the Society.”

“No. That’s the rule. She’s not allowed to know. I don’t want her to know.” He rubbed his face again. “I started with the Society years ago in India. I came over here and the Society paid my way through university. It gave me a life and I was…am grateful and then I met Linda. Suddenly, the confines of the Society were hard to maneuver. Archer looked after me. He moved me out here and left me alone so I could create an outside life, but now my worlds are colliding and I don’t know what to do. Linda knows I’m not telling her everything and she’s pissed.”

Flynn did not envy the man. Working for the Society was different than working anywhere else. It did provide a great life but there was a steep price for that life. “Sorry. That sucks.”

“Yeah. Anyway, I used the party as an excuse to stay. Things at home are a bit tense and I just needed the break. I’ll stay again tonight as well in case you need me.”

* * *

Flynn ate a bowl of stew in record time and then left the dining room. He was restless. There was work to do but concentrating on any particular task would be difficult. Especially with Harper on his mind. How did the woman drive him crazy without even being there? Instincts that had served him well throughout his life told him that she might be in trouble. He tried to talk himself off that cliff, but his mother’s thickly accented voice in his mind told him that he was an animal like all the other animals and he should listen to his instincts. They wouldn’t steer him wrong.Fuck it.

He got in the BMW and headed into town. He’d asked Shah where she lived and he told him where the condo was but he didn’t know the number of her unit. It wasn’t a problem. Her SUV was parked right outside the door.

He knocked and then waited. Nothing. He checked her vehicle again to confirm it was hers. Pulling out his phone, he called her and knocked again. She didn’t answer her phone or come to the door. His heart rate ticked up a notch below panicked, and his gut tightened. She could be in the shower. That could be it. Or she could be dead on the floor. Icy fingers gripped his heart.

He pounded on the door. “Harper!”

Still nothing.

There were no windows by the door but there was one that was over a small garden. He stepped onto the mulch and tried to peer in the window. A lacy curtain covering the glass made it hard to see through, but he could see an island in the kitchen and another room beyond. This had to be the window over the kitchen sink. He tried to open it.

The sound of a shotgun racking made him freeze. “I suggest you don’t move, son. I already called the police.”

Flynn raised his hands in the air and turned around slowly. The man holding the gun was an elderly gentleman with a shock of white hair. He was wearing a plaid jacket with a puffy vest over it. “I’m not trying to break in,” Flynn said but then thought the better of it. “Actually, I am trying to break in. I’m worried about Harper. She’s not answering her phone or the door. Her car is parked right there so I know she’s home or at least should be.” He didn’t want to say Astrid’s name so he said, “And with everything that’s been going on lately, I’m just… I’m worried.”

“What’s your name? I don’t know you.” The old man pointed the muzzle at Flynn’s knees, which was progress, but still an issue.

“No, you don’t. I’m Flynn O’Connor. I work for the Rainy Day Club in security. Harper was out there earlier today and she left before we could speak about the Halloween Extravaganza. She wants to hold it at the club.” He had no idea why he was adding all that detail but anything to help him appear less dangerous.

“I heard Jed was giving Susan a hard time about using the town square.” The man lowered the shotgun. “I’m Bob Ross. Harper came home a while ago. You sure she’s not answering?” He went over and knocked on the door, but it remained closed.

Flynn tried to rein in his impatience. Harper could be in there lying on the floor.

Bob said, “Let’s go around to the other side. See what we can see from there.”

“Agreed. Should we maybe call off the cops?” The last thing he wanted was to have to deal with Merritt and his band of mighty men.

Bob snorted. “I never called ’em. I’ve known most of them since they were in short pants. Hard to take ’em seriously, know what I mean?”

“I do.”
