Page 39 of Locked In

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He followed Bob toward the water side of the condo complex and looked up at Harper’s windows. Flynn knew he could jump up and grab a hold of her deck and then hoist himself up but he wasn’t sure how Bob would feel about that and since he was still holding the gun, it seemed prudent to ask. “Do you think I should go up onto the deck?”

“Well, her bathroom light is on so maybe she’s just in the shower. We just need a way to get her attention. How’s your arm, son?”

“Excuse me?”

“Your throwing arm. Grab some pebbles and throw them at the window. See if she answers.”

Was this guy for real? “I think it would be better if I just went up on the deck and checked—”

“Trust me, son, women love this shit. It’s how I got my wife to marry me.”

What the fuck?How did Flynn always get into these situations? Cash wouldn’t be out here throwing pebbles. Cash would’ve grabbed the shotgun and quite possibly hit Bob Ross with it.Just breathe.He went over to the edge of the walkway and grabbed some stones. He threw one and hit the window. He threw a few more and all of them hit their target.

“Say, you’re really good. You gonna be in town long? We sure could use a man with an arm like that on our baseball team. Kennebunkport beats us every year.”

Flynn was going to beat the man around the ears with the gun in a second if he didn’t stop talking. This was getting desperate. He needed to know Harper was alright. Nothing else mattered and the old man was starting to piss him off. Throwing one last handful of pebbles, he drummed his fingers on his thigh and waited.

“I’m going to go up on the deck.” He started forward when he heard a sound.

“Who’s out there?” Harper stuck her head out the window.

“It’s Bob Ross and your young man, Mr. O’Connor.”

“Flynn?” she called. “What the hel-heck are you doing?”

“Trying to get your attention.” He let out a breath and the knots in his stomach eased slightly.

She stared at him for a beat and then started to laugh. “Okay. I’ll meet you at my front door. Just give me a minute.”

Flynn started back around the building.

“See?” the old man said. “She’ll be putty in your hands now.”

Flynn certainly hoped so but probably not in the way the old man was thinking. He glanced over at him and there was definitely a twinkle in his eyes, so it was possible Flynn was mistaken about that.

They came to the front of the condo building and Flynn started toward Harper’s door but Bob put the shotgun across his path. He looked up and met the old man’s gaze.

“Harper’s been through a lot lately with Astrid and a few other things. You be careful and treat her right. A lot of us would be upset if you hurt her in some way.”

Flynn admired the man. He was sticking up for Harper and that was okay by Flynn. He was glad someone was keeping their eye on her, someone who didn’t want to bed her.

“I hear where you’re coming from. I’ll do my best.” He offered Bob his hand and they shook.

“Take care, son,” Bob said and disappeared into the darkness.

Flynn made his way over to Harper’s door where she was waiting. “Seriously? You threw rocks at my window? You know that’s going to be all over town tomorrow.”

She moved out of the way and let him into her apartment, closing the door after him.

He turned and gave her the once over. She was wearing a pair of black boxer shorts and a pale pink sweatshirt. Her hair was pulled up in a bun. She made that casual look so damn sexy that he wanted to take her right there on the carpet. But relief overrode his libido. She was okay. Safe.

And he intended to keep her that way.

“You left without saying goodbye,” he said.

She cocked her head and propped her hands on her hips. “Youleftmeand said you’d be back. You never showed. What was I supposed to do?”

“Fair enough,” he agreed. “So, I’ve eaten and so have you but I could use a beer if you have one.”
