Page 53 of Locked In

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“Maybe eleven-ish?”

Jason wrote something in his book. “And when did you last see Calli?”

She cocked her head. “She and I walked up the stairs together, along with Payton. At the top of the first set of stairs, we separated. The girls have rooms in the new section toward the back of the house on that floor. I’m up one more and to the left.”

Of course she was.Gina had a room where the members stayed. No employee treatment for her. He could almost admire her for getting what she wanted if she wasn’t in the business of selling women for sex.

“I said good night to them both and then headed up to my room.”

“Did anyone see you?” Jason asked.

She tilted her head once more. “No…I don’t…Actually, Susan, the mayor. She saw me.”

If he hadn’t been so closely attuned to Harper, he might have missed her slight gasp.

“Susan?” Jason asked. “Where was she?”

Gina brushed her hair back off her shoulder. “She said she wasn’t feeling well so I put her in a room down the hall from mine. I told her she could stay the night if she wanted and drive home in the morning.”

“I see,” Jason said as he made another note.

Flynn was pretty sure he’d just heard Harper’s jaw pop. He didn’t blame her. While the mayor was getting laid, a girl was being murdered not too far away. That was not going to be good if it came out. He didn’t think Susan Duggan was guilty of murder, but she was guilty of bad taste. She’d been screwing Richard while Flynn had been getting whacked over the head. And then screwing Richard again when Calli had been killed.

What he found most interesting, though, was Gina just lied to protect Susan. Did she think Susan would keep secret Gina’s fight with Calli? Was it a pact they’d made out loud or just an assumption of some kind? And Susan had kept it. She’d only told Harper. Everyone was out to cover their own ass. Jason was never going to get these murders solved at this rate. No one was telling the truth.

“So, you didn’t see Calli after that?”

Gina shook her head and then wiped a single tear off her cheek. Harper made a strangled sound and covered it with a cough. She wasn’t buying this shit, either. He liked that. Sexy and smart was a killer combination for his libido. She could see through the bullshit. Good to know. He’d have to keep that in mind. He had some questions of his own for her later as well.

“Thank you, Gina. If I have any more questions, I’ll come find you.”

“Okay,” she said as she stood.

Jason stood as well and watched her ass as she walked out of the room.

Harper got up. “I think I need some coffee. Anyone else?”

“I’ll take a cup,” Flynn said and handed her his mug.

Jason also nodded. Harper put her mug down and picked up the two of them again and left the room. Jason watched her ass as she left as well, which pissed Flynn off. He shifted to intercept Jason’s gaze and Jason’s face flushed red.Busted, asshole. Flynn didn’t want anyone but him looking at Harper’s ass or any other part of her.

“Do you have the video from the outside cameras?” Jason asked. His tone was aggressive as if he didn’t like being caught out.

“I’ll make sure you get a copy,” Flynn said, keeping his voice neutral but he jammed his hands into his front pockets to avoid putting a fist into Jason’s face.

“What about the inside of the house? Do you have any footage of the inside?”

“We do have footage of the foyer. We had a camera installed when all those break-ins were occurring last year.” Shah had told him about the break-ins in passing yesterday and he used it because it sounded like a reasonable excuse to have a camera. He wouldn’t give him anything, but Jason wasn’t stupid. If he looked around the foyer at all, he’d see the camera. Fortunately, since the power was out, chances were excellent he wouldn’t see any of the others. Archer made sure all the Society locations had cameras even though he told no one.

The sound of heavy footsteps reached them. “Um, Jason, can I talk to you for a minute?” Lazlo asked.

“Sure,” Jason said and then glanced at Flynn. “I want a copy of the footage from the foyer as well.”

“I’ll see that you get it.”

Harper walked back into the room and handed the men their mugs. Jason took his coffee and left the room.

She turned to Flynn. “I think the forensic guys are finished.”
