Page 54 of Locked In

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He nodded. He would have to find a way to get the report. Shouldn’t be too hard. Worse comes to worse, he could get someone to hack into the computer system and get it. Not too hard but just another thing he added to his mental to-do list. “Where’s your coffee?”

“I decided not to have any. I don’t need any more caffeine.” She ran a hand over her face and smothered a yawn. “Sorry.”

“Not at all. Would you like me to get a room set up for you? You could take a nap?” Just the thought of her curled up in bed made blood rush to his groin. The only room he’d let her curl up in alone was his.

“I wish,” she said. “I have to stay up and see what Jason wants to do. Then I’ll need to send a few emails.”

She stood in the middle of the room hugging herself, looking out the window at the watery sunshine. “They’re connected. These two murders.” It was a blunt statement. Harper raised her chin as if to challenge him, daring him to argue with her.

“Is that what you think, or do you have proof?” he asked.

“It’s what I know. They were both murdered and they both had a connection to this house.”

Flynn’s gut knotted. “What connection?” he demanded.

“I don’t know yet, but I intend to find out.”

Jason returned. “Um, people are starting to get up. Lazlo is organizing some of the club members in the dining area and then we will interview them one by one. Do you want to join me?”

Harper let out a sigh. “Sure.”

“Where is the coffee?” Peter Webber demanded as he stuck his head into the room.

“Presumably in the pot in the kitchen,” Flynn responded.

Webber frowned and then his eyebrows went up. “Harper, what are you doing here?”

“Mr. Webber. I could ask you the same question. Long way from the bright lights of New York City.”

“I came up to hunt and…things.” He frowned. “What brings you here? I thought you went out west somewhere after that unfortunate incident.”

“No, I came here. This is where I grew up.”

“I see.”

She lifted her chin and added, “I’m deputy mayor of Cedar Bluff.”

Webber’s eyes widened. “Well… nice to see you.” He turned and left the room. Jason followed him out.

She started after him but Flynn laid a hand on her arm. “How do you know Webber?”

“He was close with my old boss at the Mayor’s office.”

Flynn’s stomach knotted. “Who’s your old boss?”

“William Findley.”

That was an interesting turn of events. Will Findley was a member of the Society. “Listen, I have to do a few things.” As much as it pained him to say the next sentence he knew it was necessary. “Do not leave Jason’s side, okay?”

“What? What do you mean?” Her eyes narrowed slightly.

“I know you want to poke around the whole house but don’t leave Jason. You can’t be alone anywhere until I know what’s going on. It’s not safe.”

She frowned.

“I will let you poke around to your heart’s content later, but you’re not going to do it without me until Jason leaves.”

“You’re going to help me?” There was that hope again. It was going to kill him in one way or another.

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