Page 59 of Locked In

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“This is all a fishing expedition, and it ends here,” Flynn growled.

He felt the weight of Harper’s stare but ignored it. He had to take a stand or Donovan was going to wind up leaving here in cuffs.

Jason tried another tack. “So maybe you won’t mind answering some questions then. You’re the chief of security,” he said to Shah. “Where were you when Calli went down the stairs?”

Flynn cut Shah off before he could open his mouth. “He’s not talking without his lawyer present. None of us are.”

“A wise choice,” a voice behind them said.

Turning, Flynn realized it was Lockerby.

“And you are?” Jason asked.

“Richard Lockerby. I am a member here, and also an attorney.”

“Then maybe you can help out,” said Lazlo.

Lockerby glanced at him. “No. I specialize in corporate law, but Mr. O’Connor is correct. I think you will find those remaining guests you have not interviewed yet will not do so unless they have a lawyer present.”

Jason’s face was starting to flush. “Look,” he snarled but Harper put her hand on his arm.

“That is, of course, your right. We just want to get to the bottom of what happened. I know for myself and Susan, we want guests of the manor to feel comfortable. If you would like, I’m sure we can find a lawyer for you, Mr. Lockerby.”

“Let me chat with my lawyer in New York and see what he comes up with. If he has no suggestions, then I will take you up on your kind offer.” Lockerby offered Harper a smile.

“Great. When is that going to happen?” Jason demanded.

“Monday at the earliest. My lawyer is in Tahoe for the weekend.”

“Wonderful,” Jason growled. “Then I guess we’re done here for now. But we’ll be back.” He gestured to Lazlo and the two men turned and went back down the hallway.

“Mr. Shah, I was wondering if I might have a word?” Lockerby asked.

“Of course.” He and Lockerby started down the hallway.

“You could have helped him out,” Harper said accusingly to Flynn.

“Yes, I could have but I’m not here to make his life easier. I have a job to do. I have to protect the members of the club. My duty is to them. Not to Jason, or to the dead girl. That’s just reality.” He took her arm and dragged her toward the library.

Harper’s face lost some of its color. “I see.”

Flynn’s gut rolled. He hated disappointing this woman and he didn’t even know her.

Yeah, reality sucked.


Harper stared out the window in the library at the watery sunshine, as behind her Flynn shut and locked the door. High clouds dulled the sun’s glow. At least it wasn’t raining. She let out a breath and tried to get her emotions under control. She was annoyed with Flynn. She’d expected more from him.

“Surely helping Jason was the decent thing to do.”

“Yes, but I’m not decent.”

She whirled around and looked at him. He wasn’t smiling. Was he serious?

He walked over to stand beside her. “My job is to keep this place and the members secure. Obviously, I failed at that. I cannot fail again. Making Jason’s job easier goes against the interests of the club.”

She licked her suddenly dry lips. It was hard to concentrate when he was this close. Those dark eyes just seemed to suck her in and then she lost all focus. Stepping back, she bumped into the windowsill. “I thought you were going to help me find out who killed Astrid? You said these two deaths were related.”
