Page 82 of Locked In

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“We’ve got Payton. She’s at something called the Ocean Walk Inn. Go see her. I want updates.”

“On my way.” Flynn hung up and left the unfinished section to go into the security offices. “Shah,” he said. The other man looked up from his laptop. “I need you to sit in front of the monitors and let me know if Gina surfaces. I’ve got a lead on Payton.”

Shah stood. “I’ll do it from the live feed in the other room.”

“Let me know if you see Gina or anything else that’s interesting,” Flynn called over his shoulder on his way out the door.

He took the stairs two at a time. Maybe Payton was just scared and in hiding. That would be the best-case scenario. Unfortunately, the best-case scenario rarely happened in his line of work.


Harper scanned her surroundings. Everything had come together. Crisis averted. Just another day in her work life. Tents were being erected and participating merchants were starting to set up their displays. If everything else hadn’t happened, she would be overjoyed with this event. A chance for the kids to come out and celebrate Halloween in a safe space with their parents where everyone could enjoy themselves. And since Halloween wasn’t until Friday night, it was a chance for parents to let the little ones enjoy themselves without being too scared and still be home to hand out candy to the older ones.

But with Astrid’s murder and Calli’s death, there was just too much going on in her mind. They were in the home stretch of the setup and she needed to focus. She should be done in another hour and then she was going to find Gina and get to the truth.

“Ms. Edwards,” a voice said over her shoulder.

She turned. “Hi, Lazlo. What are you doing here?”

“Detective Merritt asked me to tell you that the autopsy report on Calli finally came back.”

Harper’s shoulders tightened. She looked all around but Jason wasn’t anywhere in sight. She breathed a sigh of relief.

“He’s back at the office,” Lazlo supplied.

She shielded her eyes from the bright sunshine that finally decided to show itself. “What does the report say?”

“Ms. Gant died from a broken neck.”

“Was it from the fall or from…something else.”

A muscle jumped in Billy Lazlo’s jaw. “Someone deliberately broke it, ma’am.”

“Shit,” Harper mumbled and closed her eyes. She swayed slightly.

“Are you okay?”

She opened her eyes again and met his gaze. “I’m fine.” She looked around at all the work being done. “Let’s not tell anyone, okay? No need to spoil everyone’s hard work. The people of Cedar Bluff need a chance to celebrate without this cloud hanging over them.”

He glanced around. “I can see that, ma’am. I won’t say anything.”

She reached out and touched his arm. “Thanks, Billy.” Then she strode off in the direction of the Manor. She needed a moment to collect herself. This had to stop happening. These women dying. They needed to put a stop to it. Now. She squared her shoulders as she walked into the kitchen. It was time to find Gina.


Flynn entered the Ocean Walk Inn and asked at the desk for Payton’s room. The girl behind the counter gave him a small smile as she apologized to him. “I’m afraid we’re not allowed to give out guest’s room numbers.”

“I understand. Could you call her room for me?”

The woman went to her computer and tapped away. Then she frowned. “We don’t have anyone here by that name.” She smiled again, showing off her white teeth. She was a cute little thing with dark hair and dark eyes. Too bad she wasn’t going to be helpful. He could tell by looking at her neat and wrinkle-free white blouse and navy pants with a razor-sharp crease she was not a person who bent the rules.

“Thanks, anyway. Is it okay if I go sit in the bar?” he gestured off to the left.

“Of course. Their special today is a black magic margarita. You won’t be sorry you tried it.”

Without comment, he ventured into the bar area and grabbed a stool right in front of the bartender. Here he would have more luck. The guy had a scruffy beard, and his eyes were bloodshot. He looked hung over. His white shirt wasn’t nearly as clean and probably had never met an iron.

“Hey,” Flynn said.

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