Page 83 of Locked In

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“What can I get for you?”

Flynn pulled out a wad of cash and peeled off a hundred. “I need the name of a woman who’s staying here. She’s thin, blond, about twenty. She would’ve come in later last night.”

“Sorry, dude. Can’t help you.”

Flynn peeled off another hundred. “I feel like you can. I’m not here to hurt her. I think she needs help. I want to make sure she’s okay.”

The bartender stared at him, as he screwed his lips up and blew out.

“Could you call her and tell her Flynn O’Connor is here. See if she wants to talk to me.”

The guy stared a second longer and then went to the phone. He placed the call and spoke in a low voice. When he was finished, he came back and said, “She’d rather not at the moment.”

Flynn nodded. He dropped the money on the bar and walked out. He turned immediately to his left and took the stairs two at a time. The bartender had dialed room twenty-three.

The room was tucked in the corner off the main hallway. He knocked on the door and waited. There was no response. “Payton,” he said, “I need to talk to you. I’m here to help.”

The sound of footsteps and then the door’s chain rattling. The door opened but she stood behind it, using it like a barrier.To what?

He put his hand on the butt of his gun and slid inside. The door closed behind him and he turned to see Payton had been beaten to a pulp, barely able to stand up.

He immediately reached out to her and helped her to a chair by the window. “Jesus. I won’t bother to ask if you’re okay. You’re not.” He picked up his cell and placed a call. “I’ve got Payton. She needs care. Send someone from the medical center at the Boston location to come get her.”

Archer swore. “How bad?”

“Brutal,” Flynn said and hung up.

“We’re going to bring people up to get you and take you to Boston for treatment.”

She just stared at him.

He sat down on the foot of the bed. “Can you tell me what happened?”

She licked her lips and winced as she shifted in the chair. “Will I be in trouble?” she asked.

Her voice was quiet and raspy. He glanced at the bruises circling her throat. Someone had choked her hard enough to leave finger marks. Flynn was surprised she was still alive. And he wanted to kill whoever had done this. But it wasn’t against the rules. Bile rose in his throat as he answered. “You’re not in trouble. Just tell me what happened.”

She nodded and then closed her eyes for a second. Opening them again, she fixed her gaze on Flynn. “He asked me to help him with a project. Said it would be safer for me away from the Manor after what happened to Calli.” She swallowed. “I was scared. I thought I could be next. I didn’t realize…Anyway, I agreed. He told me to meet him at this hotel. I thought he wanted a night of fun but that wasn’t what he was after at all.”

Flynn frowned. He didn’t want to interrupt her and break the flow of the story, but he had questions. “So, he didn’t want to have sex?”

“He did. Just not with me.”

Flynn was confused but decided keeping silent might be better than peppering her with questions. Hopefully, she would explain it.

“I got here and texted him. He told me to come up to this room. He’d left the key in the door. I came up and then a few minutes later, he showed up. He said he needed me to take some video and pictures. I thought it was a bit weird but whatever. Everyone’s got a thing, you know? Anyway, I thought he meant of him but he said no. He handed me a cell and said when he texted me on it to come next door to room twenty-four.” She pointed toward the connecting door. “He said he’d open it from the other side. Then he left.”

Wincing, she readjusted in the chair. Broken ribs for sure, and possibly some broken fingers by the swelling in her hands but Flynn said nothing. Help was on the way. It was the best he could do for the moment.

“I sat down and waited but then he came back in. He said he was having problems. The woman he was here with didn’t excite him and he had to get it up so could I help?” Tears sprang into her eyes. “That’s sort of my job, so I agreed.” He came over and gave me a cloth and told me to bite down. Then he told me I couldn’t make any sound as he put on some gloves.”

Flynn’s stomach churned. He didn’t want to hear this next part. He knew what was coming and it made him physically ill.

“He punched me really hard in the stomach. I dropped to my knees. He pulled me up by the hair and did it again into my ribs. Then he did it twice more. Then he left. I stayed on the floor. It hurt so much. Then I got the text. He opened the door and motioned me in. I didn’t want to get up but I couldn’t argue with him. I thought he would hurt me again. I got up and went into the other room.

“That mayor lady was tied to the bed. She was wearing a blindfold and she was naked. He kept talking to her, flirting with her as I took pictures. Then he went silent, and I filmed a video.” Once I was done, he shooed me out of the room again. He came in behind me and closed the door then he pulled up my skirt and slapped my ass. He said I’d done a great job and if I waited for him, we’d go back to the Manor together. I wanted to leave but my ribs hurt, so I wasn’t sure I could drive.

“He came back about an hour later and…” her voice faltered. “And did this.” She gestured to herself. “The sicko gets off on the hitting. Anyway, he finished up and then went back into the room next door. He said to stay here if I knew what was good for me and he’d come pay for everything later.”
