Page 57 of The Beta's Heart

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On the walk home, Ren felt a riot of emotions. He’d never expected his sweetheart was carrying twins. It made sense since she was a twin herself, but it was still a sweet, wonderful surprise.

Their joined hands swung gently between them as they made their way home, the rose bush safely tucked into the bag on his back.

“Is it too early to talk about names?” he asked. In their shared vision, their son looked just like he had as a young boy, and their daughter looked just like Kismet.

“I was actually just thinking that myself. I don’t think it’s too early.”

“Do you have any ideas?”

She chuckled. “Well, I used to love the name Rose, but then with the queen being named Rose, it’s become one of those really common names among my people, so it fell out of favor with me.”

“Any other flower names? Like…geez, my mind just went blank on types of flowers.”

“There’s a lot of them.”

“What’s your favorite besides roses?”

She hummed in thought. “Well, I kind of like every flower, but I love how lilies smell, they’re so fragrant.”

“I like it. Lily’s perfect.”

“How about Lily Marian?” she offered.

Ren stopped walking and when Kismet stopped and turned to face him, he hugged her. “That’s so sweet of you.”

“I think it’s important to honor family members, and I like your mom’s name.”

“She’ll be over the moon when she hears.” Ren could imagine his mother telling all her friends about her namesake. She’d never stop smiling.

“What about our son?” Kismet asked, resting her head over his heart.

He let his mind wander, thinking about the lake and the blessing spell. It had been an amazing night. Seeing the vision of their children had made things feel very real to him. “How about Rune?”

“Rune?” she lifted her head to look at him.

“Rune is another word for spell, right? You cast a blessing spell on our children. Lily for the flower, Rune for the spell.”

“I love that name, it’s perfect.”

“Rune E’lahn.”

“Really?” she asked.

“Of course. He’s half fairy, and it’s a wonderful way to honor the fae side of his heritage. Plus, your dad is a badass.”

She giggled. “He sure is, but not as much of a badass as my wonderful mate.”

“You might be a little biased, but I don’t mind.”

“Rune and Lily,” she said, leaning back and resting her hand on her belly. “We’ll get to meet them in about eight and a half months.”

“The time will fly, and then we’ll be a family.”

“I can’t wait.”

“Feel like celebrating?” he asked.

“Definitely,” she said, lifting her hand and opening a portal.
