Page 64 of The Beta's Heart

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“Force it is,” the male replied.

Ren saw movement at the house and glanced to see Stef stand between the house and Kismet.

“Kismet! Run!”

Something huge and furry landed on him and he mentally chided himself for getting distracted. Kismet was an excellent distraction in the best of ways, but not when he was trying to keep her safe and his own head on his shoulders.

He rolled to the ground, planting his feet on the wolf’s stomach and hefting it behind him. It landed with a grunt. Before it could roll to its paws, Ren tackled it, clamping his hand around its jaws to keep its deadly fangs at bay, as he wrenched its body in the opposite direction. Its neck cracked, and the wolf went limp in his hands. He dropped it to the ground and spun with a snarl.

Caleb had changed forms into his wolf and howled angrily, the sound echoing through the morning air. Ren knew the pack would hear the sound and know what it meant. It was the howl reserved for use when a pack member was in danger. It meantget the fuck over here.

Ren jumped to his feet and barreled into the group of advancing wolves. He swung his clawed hands, ripping throats, punching, and kicking at anything that moved. His vision hazed and all he could think about was putting down the threat to his mate for good. Behind him, he left a string of bodies, his wolf howling at him to finish themall.

His pack members joined the fray, urged to action by Caleb’s howls. Lucian and Jeremiah were in their partial shifts, looking like monsters from a horror movie. Ren had never felt so in tune with his wolf. They were both of the same mind—put down the pack and keep Kismet safe forever. Time seemed to stand still as his pack cut down the invaders one by one.

Ren stood, chest heaving, in a sea of bodies. Around him, the only ones standing were his own pack members.

Acksel jerked off his shirt and wiped blood off his face. “What the fuck was their problem? What the hell was worth dying for?”

“This one’s alive,” Jeremiah said after returning to his human form. He lifted a male by the neck. His legs twitched as he tried to wiggle out of Jeremiah’s grasp.

Malachi snarled. “That’s Tanner from the Dorlan pack. He’s the one that tried to pull Nila from the SUV and Jack bit off his finger.”

Tanner’s eyes were glazed with pain and Ren could smell the impending death from his mortal wounds.

“Tell us why you’re here,” Ren demanded.

When Tanner didn’t speak, Jeremiah jabbed his finger into a bleeding hole in his side and the male shrieked in pain. “Please stop,” Tanner wheezed. “Let me die in peace.”

“Tell us what happened,” Ren said.

“Stef wanted…you to help her pull a coup on Isaiah for killing her mate.”

“Why did she want Ren?” Acksel asked. “She could have taken any of these males as her mate.”

“She wanted…someone she could control.”

Ren frowned. “She must have thought I’d be the sort of alpha male who would let her be the true leader.”

Acksel snorted. “She clearly doesn’t remember much about you.”

Ren agreed. “Why wouldn’t she just walk away?”

Tanner let out a gurgling grunt. Blood dripped from the corner of his mouth. “She was obsessed. Couldn’t be…reasoned with.”

“Crazy bitch,” Malachi said. “She lost her pack for no good reason.”

“We done with him?” Jeremiah asked.

“Yeah,” Acksel said. To Tanner he said, “You better hope the afterlife is more merciful to you than you were to those you harmed in the name of revenge.”

Jeremiah’s arm flexed and Tanner’s neck cracked, the light going out of the male’s eyes before he hit the ground.

Ren knew Kismet had opened a portal. He’d seen the flash and felt the pulse of power as she’d rent the air between the realms. There was no sign of SteforKismet. If she was okay, wouldn’t she have returned by now?

“Where the fuck is Kismet?”

