Page 105 of Defining Us

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Idon’t feel like I’ve even slept. Not what I need, since we have a post-training meet and then another corporate gig tonight. I stretch my arms above my head slowly to check on my shoulder. It’s stiff but no pain this morning, which is a good start to the day. Nat hasn’t even had a chance to work on it yet, which is probably not a bad thing. I made out to her I needed her more than I really do for my shoulder, just to get her here with me. Which worked, but now I’m not sure I’m going to be able to cope with her hands rubbing all over me without a hard-on to show my appreciation for her efforts.

Shit, it just keeps getting harder by the day to work this all out.

My shoulder might not be sore, but my head is. That’s what happens when you’re tied up in knots and so damn frustrated that any sleep you had was short, with plenty of tossing and turning. I didn’t hear Sasha come home so I must have been asleep at some stage.

Sitting up, I know the first thing I need is coffee, very strong coffee, and then the second thing is waking Sasha up and talking to her before she flies out today on assignment again. I remember she’ll be gone for a week, taking shots on location in Italy, which is convenient timing for me.

Then I get Nat, sit her down, and we hash this out once and for all. All cards on the table.

Looking for a pair of shorts to slip on, I carefully fold my suit that I threw down on the floor last night which is not like me. But I was trying not to lose my cool and needed out of the confines of the stuffy outfit.

Opening my door, I don’t expect Nat will be up or that she will even want to come out of her room. Which is okay, because it gives me time to sort things out. This conversation won’t be easy so it’s best I have it without her there.

Walking down the stairs, eyes at half-mast, they are quickly wide open when I get the view of Dani and Sasha naked and curled up together, asleep on the couch.

“For fuck’s sake!” I mumble under my breath, trying not to look and searching for the throw blanket to cover them up.

“Wake up, you two. What the fuck were you thinking?”

“Mmhmm,” is all I get out of Dani, and Sasha looks like she’s still in la-la land.

“Seriously, get your sorry asses to your bedroom before Nat gets down here.” I shake them harder now because I don’t have time to waste.

“Sasha, tell Jordan to piss off,” Dani mumbles.

“Piss… off… Dani. Oops, I mean Jordan.” It brings out a little giggle from her.

“Oh my God, you two. You are naked on the couch after you got up to who knows what last night. Get up and go to bed.” I collect their clothes off the floor, as flimsy as they are, and shove them at Dani who seems to be the more alert of the two.

“Wait, did you say living room?” Suddenly, Dani’s eyes spring fully open, and Sasha is trying to sit up in a hurry. Although you can tell it’s a struggle as her head is probably spinning. “Shit, shit, shit. Jordan, shit, sorry, shit.” Dani is pushing Sasha up off the couch and keeping both of them wrapped in the blanket.

“I think I get the picture, with the excessive use of the word shit in that sentence, that you didn’t mean for this to happen. Just get out of here while I disinfect the couch. I can’t sit on here with all those girl germs.”

“We only—” Sasha starts, but while I’m cutting her off with words, Dani is putting her hand over Sasha’s mouth.

“Stop right there, do not say another word,” I say. “Otherwise, I will need to wash out my ears too. I love you both but not that much.”

Both of them scurry away up the stairs where I can see both of their asses.

Sasha says over her shoulder, “I’m so sorry, Jordan, I wasn’t thinking, you know, bubbles and all.”

I’m trying not to laugh at her fumbling up the steps. “Yep, got it. We need to talk pronto, but please get—”

“Dressed, yes, yes, I get it. Back shortly.”

Standing there, I’m praying that Nat doesn’t choose this exact moment to open her door and come down for breakfast. I thought last night was crazy but today is starting out as just as big a cluster fuck.

Wiping down the couch, I’m just throwing the cleaning cloths in the garbage when the girls come scurrying back down. They still look like shit but at least they’re no longer naked. At least that’s a start.

“I can’t believe we did that.” Sasha comes running to me and throws herself in my arms.

“It’s okay, stop worrying. We’re just lucky I found you first and not Nat. I sort of wanted to be able to explain all this too her in a calm manner, not like that.”

“I know, I know,” Dani says, “and the awful thing is we’ve slept in and our flight has been bumped up, so we don’t have long to talk.” I’m sure they know what’s happening.

“Would you two rather be alone for this?” Dani asks as Sasha reaches out for her hand.
