Page 119 of Defining Us

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Sasha and Dani moved out into their own apartment after we made the public announcement and are still in the same building as us, just a few floors lower. Currently they are just renting until they decide where they want to settle. With them traveling so much, they still haven’t gotten around to making that decision and have been in the rented apartment longer than they thought. Not that I’m complaining, I actually enjoy having them close by.

I was so glad that the laws in New York made the divorce happen quickly within a few months. I know it was never a true marriage, but it still pulled at me that I was sleeping with a married man. I know I’m weird, it’s just that cheating goes against everything I believe in, when I grew up dreaming about love.

Because we had waited so long to be together, there was no way that Jordan was waiting any longer to get married. The media wanted the big celebrity wedding like his last one with Sasha, but it’s not what we wanted. In fact, we wanted the total opposite. I would have loved to have it in our special spot, but the pond will always be our secret place, the one where Jordan claimed my heart all those years ago, only to top that by getting down on bended knee and truly making me his.

It was nighttime, and just like the glow of the fireflies were twinkling with the light of the full moon, the ring he slipped on my finger was shining just as brightly. He could have bought me something huge and flashy, but that’s not me. It’s never been me. The solitaire diamond that sits low in the gold band, so it doesn’t get in my way when I’m training people, it’s just perfectly me.

His money means nothing to me, and it never will. Much to his disgust, I made the lawyer do solid pre-nuptial agreements that were watertight. If something happens, I walk away financially independent, just as I came into this marriage. It was just like normal for us, an argument that resulted in yelling from Jordan refusing to sign it, with the anger being returned full throttle from me that if he didn’t sign, then there would be no wedding. As per our usual fights, it ended in some explosive, make-up sex, which I will never complain about. We are both the scorching fire and the smoothness of ice cream together, and I hope that never changes. Let’s just say, with me standing here looking into the mirror all dressed in white, I won that fight, and today is the day we will finally be married.

Going home to get married was the obvious place. When Zach and Emily offered the farm as a venue, we jumped at the chance. We didn’t want it big and glitzy, Jordan has already done that once before, and our publicist was totally on board with low-key. She agreed that the last wedding was more about Jordan and Sasha’s publicists and what they could get out of the spectacle, than the true meaning behind a wedding. We wanted intimate with just our family and close friends.

We’ve tried not to give the location away to the media. It’s not unusual for us to be at home visiting family, and the guys from the team that Jordan wanted here are all just flying in this morning on a private jet, just before the ceremony. And yes, including Chase Lonigan. He and Jordan have become friends again, and although there will always be that little something niggling between them, it is getting less by the day. Chase seems to have had that whack in the gut by a woman that has him turning in all sorts of circles, and he doesn’t know how to get a grip on it yet. We warned him it would happen to him one day, and yes, I said the words, “I told you so.”I must admit, it’s kind of fun to watch the drama unfold.

I’m still splitting my time between New York and here and will continue to do it until such a time we can’t manage anymore. Xavier and I came to an arrangement—well, really, he just told me there was no negotiating the facts. I was to be with Jordan as often as possible and he would keep things running, while we continue to plan for our future business in the new premises. Finally, a gym that is all ours, where we now have Alesha and Jordan on board with our business too. It’s nice to have our own little family together working for a common goal.

Nothing has changed, both the boys still like to think they can boss me around. Little do they know that it’s only because I let them. We spend the off season here at home, and funnily enough, still in my old apartment. Jordan loves it and to me it still feels like home. He could have brought a flashy house, but we’re just happy here for the time being.

I’m actually in disbelief, looking at myself in the mirror in the guest cottage at the farm. For all the times I’ve dreamed this, I never really thought it was possible.

Me, standing here in a white wedding dress, trying to make sure every detail is just right before I walk down the aisle to my Jordan. I wanted simple but elegant, with the dress being off-the-shoulder with short sleeves. All white satin with an overlay of delicate lace. It’s fitted to follow my curves which I hope will have Jordan getting a little hot under his suit, while he watches me walk toward him. The hairdresser has done a beautiful job on my hair, all pulled up onto the back of my head with loose curls. A few strands fall down each side of my face, just to give Jordan something to play with.

My last quiet moment is broken with the door flying open and my adorable page boy and flower girl busting into the room. Well, I should say Sammy is the one making all the commotion while little Sophia is walking behind him looking cute.

“Are you ready, Nat? Jordan said to tell you to hurry up. I think he wants to kiss you.” His little giggle is so funny. He thinks he is making something up, but if only he knew, I’m sure Jordan is waiting to plant his lips on me for the first time as my husband.

“Well, I think we should go and start the wedding then.” Alesha walks in dressed in a jade-green bridesmaid’s dress carrying my bouquet, with my dad following, and I know it’s time.

Slipping my hand into my dad’s elbow, I’m glad for the bit of stability. The sight in front of me has me quivering with nerves and excitement. Jordan is standing at the end of the aisle dressed in his very nicely fitting black suit. Xavier’s next to him, and I’m not sure whose smile is bigger, his or Jordan’s.

Our eyes are fixed on each other, the emotion of this moment consuming both of us. Tears well and my heart is beating so hard with love for the man I could never live without, no matter how much I tried.

Finally, I take a deep breath and step forward into my happily ever after.

Six Years Later


I’d like to say that my happily ever after was all perfect, yet there is a but coming in that sentence.

For all the commotion I tried to hide with my shoulder, which wasn’t really that bad, two years later, I suffered a career-ending head injury. After being hit hard and being unconscious for ten minutes, it took weeks for me to gain clearance to play. The distress it caused Nat almost tore me apart. But my biggest anguish were the thoughts that were running through my own head the whole time. The threat of me developing chronic brain trauma scared the hell out of me. Looking at my wife pregnant with our first baby boy, I couldn’t get past the fear that I may not get to see him grow up or play ball in the yard with him, if my brain started to misfire or deteriorate, like some of the other past players. The doctors were telling me it was time to step away. My team wanted me to continue playing on, but in the end, the decision came down to Natalie and our unborn baby. She never said a word and let me decide, but there really was no decision to be made. Football was my life, but I would never put it before my family. They are always my first love and the most important part of my life.

I had played enough seasons that money would never be a problem for us, and with Nat having her business, our life is just the way we want it.

Our New York apartment is great for getaways, both with the family and time alone with my wife. After six years of marriage and two children, with a third on the way, there is not much space in our life for those long nights of slow, heated lovemaking at home. Not that I’m complaining about my wife’s hunger when we know we are on limited time and she wants me to fuck her hard until she’s screaming my name—well, in a whisper, that is, so as not to wake the napping kids.

I’ve been a stay-at-home father while Nat has continued to work part-time, and on the days she is home with the kids, I head into the gym to help Xavier with training. I’ve spent most of my life training myself, so now it’s time to pass on my knowledge to kids who are trying to make the NFL big league. We have set a up a foundation for the underprivileged kids who have potential but not the money to pursue the training they need to make it. So far, we’ve had three kids make it onto college teams on scholarships, which makes me so proud.

We have been spending a lazy Sunday at home today, and bath time for the kids has just finished. I can hear Nat yelling out to them.

“Jett and Lacey, where are you?” Her voice is soft but tired.

Lacey’s tiny giggle is not helping us hide. We’re in my study, hiding under the desk from Nat. Yes, I’m as big a kid as my four-year-old son and three-year-old daughter.

“Shh, Lacey!” Jett is getting frustrated with her.

Nat’s voice is getting close and closer. “I think the daddy monster has eaten my kids. He is such a bad daddy monster.” She knows where we are. It’s the same place we always are when it’s Jett’s turn to pick our hiding spot. He loves being in my study with all the football memorabilia around him. I’ve never pushed him, but he already has a love for the game.

“I hope the daddy monster has lots of energy now that he has a full stomach, because Mommy needs a nice massage and some TLC. This little baby I’m growing is wearing Mommy out.” And that’s my cue to get out from under here. My wife needs me.
