Page 14 of The Craving

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“Thank you, make it a strong one with milk and one sugar.” To be honest, with the morning I’ve had, I could really use a pick-me-up of caffeine. I don’t always drink strong tea, preferring a mild milky cup, but this morning calls for the strong stuff.

Watching him disappear, I hear Suzi let out a sigh next to me. “He’s hard work, some days. Actually, to be honest, most days.” We just look at each other and giggle.

“I’m sure I’m about to find that out. But can I ask you something quickly?” I feel like I can trust her already.

“Sure,” she says, raising her eyebrows in wonder at my question.

“In the elevator he mentioned that his boss was a real cow, so I’m just wondering what I’ve got myself into.” Waiting for an answer, Suzi starts laughing and not just a little laugh but a real belly laugh.

Once she comes up for air, she says, “He is such an idiot. The only reason he says that is because he is constantly late and never stops talking. Some days she has to tell him she is going to tape his mouth shut just to get the work out of him that she needs. A skill you will need to master, with him reporting to you from now on, from what I understand. Anyway, you will like her. Don’t panic, sweetie pie.” Suzi smiles at me, and for the first time today, I actually take a deep breath and think maybe, just maybe, the tide is turning, and all is not lost, after the morning from hell.

“Fabulous. Then I can’t wait to get to work for her.” I know she seemed lovely in the interview, but nobody shows their true self in those meetings, do they. I’m still not entirely sure she is the glowing boss that Suzi describes, but time will tell.

I hear him before I see him again. “Of course, Gwenda, I have been here in the building for a solid thirty minutes.” He looks at us as he waltzes across the room, rolling his eyes with a childish smirk.

“You know I have access to the security check-in times, don’t you, Theo?” I recognize the voice coming down the corridor as my new boss.

“Like you don’t spy on me every day anyway. Control freak who thinks I’m hot,” he mumbles, while handing me my cup of tea.

“Not even close. You won’t have to worry about that now.” Gwenda’s voice comes from behind him as she walks toward us.

“Crap,” Theo whispers, and I’m trying not to laugh as I can see the sheer wickedness in her eyes. She’s baiting him, and it’s working.

“Good morning, Victoria, and welcome,” Gwenda says, greeting me properly. “I see you have already met your co-worker, who has a habit of being late most mornings and makes terrible tea, which I’m sure you are about to find out.” Suzi can’t hold back anymore and lets out a giggle. “Come now, we have a lot to go over before the day’s end. You can leave your bag there. I have your new laptop and work phone in my office and all your login passwords.” She continues toward the office that is to the side of the open-plan room.

I don’t want to keep her waiting. Mouthing thanks to Theo and Suzi for the tea and help, I scurry off behind Gwenda. I sure as hell don’t want to be a target of harsh words from a new boss.

“Close the door behind you, Victoria, and take a seat.” My hands are now sweaty as I turn the doorknob and slide into my chair across the desk from Gwenda. I can feel my heart pounding, and I’m not sure if it’s from nerves or excitement, maybe a bit of both.

“Thank you for starting today. I know it’s weird to be starting on a Friday, but I need to be able to pass on everything I need worked on while I’m away. It was such a last-minute decision to take leave, I haven’t even mentioned it to anyone yet. So, let us get started and then you can ask any questions that you may have as you work through the files I hand over. That way, by the time I return in a week’s time, you should be well underway. Does that sound like a plan?” Gwenda’s already typing away on her computer. “Grab your laptop off the desk. Here is your password to get in and the other passwords you need for the system,” she says, reaching for a folder from her drawer and passing it across. “I suggest you record them somewhere safe and then shred that list, please.”

“Of course.” My fingers are fumbling on the keyboard as I try to type in the random letters and numbers. I know it’s for security, but why can’t they have passwords that are easy to remember?

You know like…hotsexybum1ormakemescreamyourname69. Oh, I’ve got the best one yet…aussieguyiwanttofuck.

Shit, what the hell am I thinking? Concentrate on the job and stop letting wicked thoughts creep into my head. Not now. No matter how much I want to keep picturing the arrogant asshole and committing him to memory for later. The image of him in his suit, with his broad shoulders and clean-shaven chiseled jawline that screams dominance every day of the week. The sandy blond hair that is styled but you can tell is trying to break free from whatever product he uses. His tall stature towering over me, slightly intimidating but in a such good way. Mix in the deep Australian accent, and I think I have what I need to enjoy my time in bed tonight… even if it’s on my own, sadly.

“As you can see there is quite a bit to be done.” Gwenda’s voice pulls me from my hot moment. Shit, what have I missed her saying?

“Yes,” is all I reply, trying to look at my screen and hoping something will pop out at me and help me. Five minutes into the job and already I’m behind because I was too busy zoning out about some guy I will never see again.

Smart, Tori, real smart.

“You look a little blank there, Victoria. Can you get the workflow document open?” Gwenda’s voice doesn’t sound quite as friendly as when we started, a little frustrated at my floundering.

Workflow, right, this looks like it might be it. I click on the icon and pray for some divine intervention.

Bingo, okay, game on.

“Sorry, got it now, just trying to get used to your system. Please continue, which file do you want open?” That’s it, try the sweet voice, it usually works.

Quickly any thoughts of the guy from the train are long forgotten, and soon enough, I look at my watch to see it is already eleven o’clock and we are just finishing up running through the jobs I’m taking over from the last person.

“I have a meeting with a client shortly out of the office, so spend the rest of the day familiarizing yourself with everything we just went through, and I will be back in the office later to catch up with you and answer any questions.” With that, I know I am dismissed and it’s time to get out of her office.

* * *

The day has gotten away from me while I’ve been head down in my files, wanting to try to make a good impression on Gwenda before she leaves today and make sure she feels like she has left the clients in safe hands. Theo kept offering to help, but I managed to shut that down early in the day. Plus, I know from experience that you need to concentrate on your own work and not share too much of your ideas with your co-workers. Sure, help them, but don’t give them your golden ticket of knowledge.

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