Page 22 of Falsifier

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By the time I reach the door, everything is spinning, and I need rest more than I need attention.

If the door had been closed I would have given up, but fortunately, it's wide open. After dragging myself out, I collapse on the bottom step of the stairs and give up.

I've no idea how long I rest here before Porter squeals my name. I can’t help jumping; it's just that kind of squeal. Knox's voice right after makes me want to curl up and die, and it was Freddie's name he yelled.

“I thought you were taking care of him?” growls a voice I know too well. I thought Caeo didn’t want to be bothered with me.

"I do want not to be trouble," I mutter as a hand closes around my waist. I try very hard to think about my words, but my aim is not to speak Romanian rather than to make them perfect. My eyes lift to the man holding me, and it is Caeo who pulls me up.

"Please Knox, call the doctor," Porter demands.

"No, please, I'm fine." I grip Porter's hand as I beg. The doctor charges for visits and I have no money. Waking up at his surgery would have cost more than Gavriil's house, and a home visit is surely more. "I am not needing the doctor. Please. I have not afford Gavriil's bill, not also mine." I've no idea what happens if I can't pay. It would defeat the purpose of fixing me if they'll break my legs for not paying.

"Nico, I'm sure Gavriil is fine. This is about you right now. We need to get you back to the sofa." Porter's voice is strong and confident, and I have to nod at him.

"Do please not break my legs. I can’t pay. Just let me die."

Caeo sweeps me up as I hear footsteps running up the hall.

"Great scott, I only left him for the bathroom," Freddie pleads for his life. "It was five minutes, I swear. He was out for the count."

"He still is. He keeps muttering at me in Romanian, or whatever language he speaks. The only word I understood was Gravel." Porter grins.

It wasn’t Romanian. I haven't used that language in so long, it isn't the first one to come out of my mouth, but it is the language I think in. I'm disappointed, after putting so much effort into a foreign language, I find out it was the wrong one.

How does my brain understand one language, think in my native tongue, and then speak another? I don't understand, but it means they don't know about my financial situation.

I end up back on the sofa far quicker than I left it, thanks to Caeo's strong arms. Caeo and Porter sit either side of me, both holding my hands. And then the doctor comes and kneels in front of me.

"Do please not do this." I am certain my words are English this time.

"I'm not going to hurt you, Nico," Michael explains softly. "Your heart is racing; you have a fever. We need to take care of you."

"I cannot pay. Gavriil needs more than me, but I cannot pay for him either." I know my words are English now.

"Nico, look at me," Caeo orders.

I turn my weary head to him, still resting on the back of the sofa. "I'm paying for everything. You don't need to worry about you or Gavriil. It's all covered. "

"But I do-"


My head slides back towards Knox standing behind the doctor. “I am saving your life, for no financial gain." Knox squeezes my hand.

"I need a way to repay. But I have nothing."

"Dear boy, you have this." Knox places his hand on my thumping heart, then on my pounding head.

"I do not-" My hand grips his, as my mind starts trying to catch up to what he means. If it is not financial, then…. He wants my heart. I'm not sure what value my heart has. There is a black market for everything, or maybe Porter is sick and needs it, which would explain why they both want to take such good care of me. That makes sense, but I’m not ready for them to fix me just so I can die later. I owe them for sure, but a of couple broken legs are starting to sound not so bad at the moment. I'm distracted by the doctor as he begins speaking again.

"Right now, you just need to concentrate on getting better, or you won't be around to pay for it." Michael insists. "Now. We need to get him out of this thick baby thing."

"Porter thought it would be soft on his wounds."

"And it is, but it's a warm garment and he needs to be cool. Do you have a t-shirt and pants he could borrow?"

Porter leaves, and then returns.
