Page 21 of Falsifier

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"Do you know what I want more than anything?" I question him.

"A Rolls Royce?" he teases.

"My cock inside you." I ignore his bratty attitude, but he has no idea how much I love it. "And I'm not talking about your mouth."

Nico will just have to wait; I'm not letting anything come between me and my boy.

"Do you remember your first time here?" I ask my sweet boy as I start with his top, casting it to the floor.

Our moments have been very vanilla recently while worry took over. Now I want what I had before.

"No," Porter moans. "No, don't do that wonderful thing."

"You never actually said no," I remind him. "You will always have the right to say no."

"I have never wanted to say no," Porter confesses. "Even when you were choking me in the dungeon."

That wasn't the memory I wanted brought up, but I remember how far his arousal had pushed me. That was the moment I realised I never wanted to let him go.

"Then get on your knees."

He does as he's told. He's such a good boy, when his mouth is shut at least.

I lean against his back, both of us completely naked. This is how I wanted him back then, it's what he wanted and needed. His breath hitches as my hand encases his throat, anticipation builds in his tense pose. I play with his cock, unhindered this time, and his body melts backwards into me.

"You did this before. It's how I knew you wanted me, despite what your brain convinced you to say."

Porter gives a hiccup of agreement, but he's completely invested in this moment now.

My hand moves from his cock to his sweet hole, pausing only for a moment to grab lube. His moans are deeper when I touch him here, as his body prepares for what comes next, but the best sounds come when I enter him, splitting him open with my cock.

As I enter deeper, my hand at his throat grips tighter, adding a little gasp to each breath. His hands hold my arm, hugging rather than resisting, pinning my arm in place. Fucking my treasure hard and fast, I return to stroking his cock. He feels so good wrapped up like this, but those gasping moans are the nectar of the gods, threatening to undo me. I bite back against the feeling, driving myself to complete him before surrendering to my needs. As his hands drop weakly from mine, we both come violently in satisfied unison.

"I love you, Porter."

"Me too," he agrees in a happy whisper.

"You are like the devil's son, come to tempt me." Even spent like this, I can't get enough of him. Watching him breathe in the mirror's reflection, I memorise his form. I could never forget any of it, but I love his post sex glow too much to move.

I will eventually. I'll wash him and care for him. I'll dress him and I'll snuggle with him. But not just yet. For now, he is satisfied in my arms, and I am content to hold him. Moments when I can be happy and still, with nothing from outside this room on my mind are few and far between. They are becoming more frequent, and they all involve my boy blissed out and devoted. He's all mine and that will never change. I vowed never to share him, I'm too selfish to even consider that. This is my boy, my moment, my peace.

Chapter sixteen


Iwakealone,nearlyfalling off the sofa and in desperate need of something. I'm just not sure what. I have been alone for six years, but I feel very much in need of someone for company right now. Preferably Porter, and I'm not sure why. Maybe because, of everyone I know, he is the only one I can compare myself to. Not that I will even achieve what he has, but at least there is possibility. Unlike the chance of being over six foot tall. Or having muscles. Or money. Or a house.

I need more realistic options right now, and one of Gladys' famous muffins could be achievable. Achievable, yes, but not at all what I want; my stomach starts churning at the very thought of food. I need to get up and find the bathroom, or a bowl. I need to get up.

Trying to sit up has the opposite outcome, with me ending up on the floor.

"Hello?" If only there was a way to guarantee only Porter would hear me. "Porter?"

I am not worthy of Knox's attention, and I'd rather not find Freddie. Seems old wounds die hard for him. Caeo would be my second choice, but he made it clear he wasn’t interested.

No one answers, I need to take care of myself, just like I always do.

Crawling is the best I can manage, gradually making my way to the door. I'm such a pathetic fool. I should be running from this, not begging for a hug from the boss's boyfriend.
