Page 25 of Falsifier

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I move to protest, but Nico moves his head and I give up. Examining torturous dildos in front of him, even if he is asleep, is a giant no-no.

Chapter eighteen


I'mgettingusedtobeing woken up to drink the thick medicine drink. It's a nice strawberry so there is no issue swallowing it. The toast with jam is good but, the problem is the way it sits in my stomach afterwards. Knox has been offering more on the plate than I can manage, but he never complains when I can't finish it all. And they don't seem to mind me missing all the films.

"Nico, wake up." Knox shakes me and I open my eyes to the sight of that cup once again. This time, Knox is dressed in a clean suit.

"Drink again?" I reach for the cup, but his coffee on the side smells good. It's not the crap smelling stuff I make Gavriil, this is proper posh coffee. The smell is too good and I long to ask for a taste. I'm hoping the coffee lives up to its expectations, but Gavriil's didn't. Instead, I'm offered the medicine once again.

"I'm going to pop into work for a bit," Knox whispers, his eyes glance at Porter sleeping beside me. "Gladys is here if you need anything, and she won't go until I'm home."

"I have question, if I may. It is about the men who… the ones…"

"The men who took you. Yes. We have two of them, the third was killed when we hit the hotel room. I'm going to question the other two today."

"Will you tell me why?" I need to know why they took me. Why they did that to me. I need to know what they wanted so badly when I have nothing to give.

"I will." Knox takes the cup from me, smiling as he sees I've managed all of it.

I'm not sure why his approval means so much to me. He pours me a little water and puts the cup back into my hand. "You don't have to drink it now. Do you mind me asking Nico, if you remember anything about what they did to you or asked you?"

"I remember all what they did." I don't remember every detail but what I do remember is etched forever in my memory. "I just not know why they did."

"Is there anything you want to tell me?"

"They asked Gavriil if they buy me from him. He said run out from upstairs. His window is over kitchen lean to, but I heard the gun. They were too close behind for me to run far, but I hope maybe they would panic." I'm sure that was what drove me back into the house to check on Gavriil. Some kind of concern that put his life ahead of my own. Who knows how far I could have run before they caught me. "It was stupid mistake."

"I don't think so. You did what anyone would do. You put family first."

His words make me smile; it actually helps to say it aloud.

"I fought them as much as I could. They took me to a hotel room and into the bathroom."

"Did they say anything to you?"

"They did. As they tied me… tied the rope… they asked something… I tried not to listen… if I didn't listen, I wouldn’t understand, and I couldn't give away family secrets."

"Good boy. I'm proud of you." His hand rubs against the blanket over my thigh. "If you do remember anything, I need you to tell me."

"Something about a car, going to bar with someone. I will try to do better."

"You're doing great."

"They asked about the car while they were there, but once the hood was on, they never spoke again. Only came back to use toilet hit me when they did." I don't understand the point of the only question they asked. They didn't seem interested in the answer. Kidnapping people was never part of my job for Knox, but for me seeing the look in the eyes of his victims became commonplace. Gavriil and I were great together, he would pick up tools, and tell me all about them. I swear I could fix any car on the planet thanks to him, but instead of repeating his words in English, I would make up scary stuff. Gavriil would tell me how to use a type of pliers, and I'd tell the victim a body part for it. I suppose that says more about my character than it does Gavriil's. Especially when my own abduction was a very different event. I'd say I'd been doing it wrong all these years if it wasn’t for my track record being very successful and the kidnappers not getting anything out of me.

Knox leaves me alone with the odd man who is sleeping next to me.

He wants to be my friend.

It's better than wanting my heart to cure some random illness, but it's twice as confusing.

All I know about him is that he was picked up along with the woman who stole his drugs. Gavriil expected her for questioning, and even got out the 'lady bit touchers'. But then Knox kept her at his house and said she was out of bounds. We hung someone but that wasn't any fun for me or Gavriil, and he spent a whole night bitching about while eating my pizza.

Knox had fallen for the brother. The brother he stole by force and has been keeping locked up here ever since. There was no word of exaggeration when Gavriil said he was a pretty boy, who just parted his legs for Knox like a bitch in heat. He doesn’t look like much of a sex slave to me though. Gavriil painted a very different picture.

And now Knox's little slave wants a friend. Why on earth did he pick me? He's going to condemn me to a life trapped in this house with him so he won't be alone when Knox goes to work, and everything about that statement should terrify me. However, I’m still not understanding why, if they will just kill me in the end for my heart.
