Page 26 of Falsifier

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Being the whipping boy of some spoiled little princess could be the best thing to happen in my pathetic existence for whatever time I have left. Especially if it comes with Gladys' muffins and more frequent encounters with Caeo. He has always made me feel weird when he comes around, but in a good way. I just don’t know why.

I snuggle back down with Porter, embracing my new lifestyle, when I hear voices. Michael has an unmistakable boom to his orders, and he is ordering Gladys to take him to me.

Chapter nineteen


Nicowakesmegently,calling my name so I know it's him pulling me from my sweet dreams.

"Mr Porter. The doctor is here."

"Oh no. Is everything OK?" I jump from my slump to check.

"On first glances, everything seems well," Michael informs me dryly from Nico's side, checking under the dressing around the boy's arm. "I can't stop long, but I wanted to give our patient a quick once over before I started my appointments."

"Oh, thank you. That is very kind." I hope my smile covers the guilt in my words. I was sleeping on the job.

"Mr Boss Man was making me be drinking all night," Nico announces, his words filling me with relief that it was only me who failed him. "I was drinking everything he gave me."

"You didn't make him drink enough," Michael scolds me. “He is still dehydrated, and his bandages need to be changed.”

"Well, Knox was better at getting up than I was," I confess.

"Well, he’s only given him half the volume I made for you," Michael scolds us.

"It tastes nice but sit like lead inside me." Nico gives an involuntary shudder. "I will do better."

"Of course it does. You haven’t eaten in days and have been abused. You’re already malnourished. If you’re going to heal up quickly you need to follow my instructions." Michael rolls his eyes like we're naughty children, his hands moving to the dressings around Nico's torso. "I'll tell the cook how to make a fresh jug and I want you to drink fifty mls every thirty minutes."

"I do not know what fifty mls is," Nico confesses.

"I'll sort it out." I reach slowly for my phone to set a reminder, fearing the doctor's harsh tongue for my actions.

"I will come back during my lunch break to check on you both."

"If you phone ahead, Gladys can make you something to eat," I offer. I've set my alarm to sound every thirty minutes. Even if I don't fall asleep, this is too important to leave to my memory alone. "She makes amazing tuna sandwiches and muffins."

"This true. The muffins I have heard so much about. And the coffee is smelling good here."

"Just make sure all the fluid is gone." Michael nods abruptly and leaves.

"I have annoyed him by not drinking enough," Nico sighs. "I thought I was doing well."

"Getting something into you is better than nothing." I comfort him with a hug. "You need the rest as much as you need the food."

"When they did not torture me, I thought it was good. But this drinking hourly makes me think not so."

"It's good they didn't hurt you more seriously. We should have found you sooner, it was the three days of cold and hunger that did this. And the fact they'd beaten you as well."

"Then I would have something to show for this weakness." Nico shrugs at me, and then smiles softly. I just want to hug all his worries away, but I'm pretty sure that I am one of them; at least until he knows me better and realises being my friend doesn't cost him in blood.

"In a week you won't wish that. You'll be all better by then. Come on, have some lovely toast for breakfast." I guess it shows my kinks when I argue being tied up for a week feels less traumatising than being beaten up. Maybe bruises do heal faster than rope burns, or maybe Nico doesn't like being bound as much as I do. It makes me question my motives. I want him here with me when Knox can't be, but is it just loneliness? I had a family, now I have a lover. Am I clinging to him as one or the other?

"I would very much like to be your friend." Nico faces me with dark harrowing eyes, wet with the beginning of tears, but all I see is his beauty.

"You are beautiful, especially now while I can see you on the inside too."

"It is nice not having to pretend. Gavriil liked me to pretend my English was almost as bad as his, and he liked to pretend he had no English at all."

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