Page 17 of Harbingers

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My eyebrows knit together at the mention of her name, as if I could fucking forget the little snoop. Quinn Sorvani has become a persistent presence in our lives, her pursuit of the truth about the Harbingers unyielding. She has managed to get under my skin in ways I hadn't anticipated, her intelligence and determination making her an annoying obstacle. But what caught me off guard was the tone in Malakhi's voice as he mentioned her name–a mixture of intrigue and something else that set off alarm bells in my mind.

"What about her?" I reply, my tone guarded.

Malakhi's lips curve up, his gaze shifting to meet mine. "She's smart, you know. And she's not bad to look at either."

A surge of irritation wells up within me, catching me off guard. The casual way he spoke about her, the hint of interest in his voice ignites a jealous fire that I hadn't anticipated. I struggle to keep my annoyance in check. My jaw clenches as I force myself to respond with nonchalance.

"Yeah, I've noticed," I say, my voice carefully neutral.

Malakhi's eyebrows raise in surprise, as if he hadn't expected my reaction. "You have?"

I shift slightly on the bed, my discomfort evident even in the dim light. "She's just a reporter, Khi. She's digging into our business, trying to uncover our secrets. That's all."

Malakhi's smile fades, his expression becoming more serious. "Yeah, I know. But there's something about her, Dom. She's different."

The unease gnaws at me, my jealousy intensifying as I struggle to maintain my composure. "Different how?"

Malakhi sighs, his gaze returning to the ceiling as he seems to search for the right words. "I don't know. She's determined, intelligent, and she's not easily scared off. It's…intriguing."

"Khi, you're missing the point," I utter, my voice tinged with irritation. "She's a distraction. We can't afford distractions."

Malakhi's eyes meet mine, his expression a mixture of surprise and confusion. "Why does this bother you so much, Dom?"

The question hangs in the air, heavy with unspoken tension. I wanted to tell him the truth, to admit that the idea of anyone coming between us sets off a jealous storm within me. But instead, I clench my fists, my jaw set in determination. Fucking emotions, especially giving voice to jealousy, is beneath me. It gives him power and I can’t have that. I hold the power, and handing any form of it off to anyone, even my brother, is never going to happen.

"Because we have fucking work to do, and I won't let anything or anyone jeopardize that," I reply, my tone final.

Malakhi's gaze lingers on me for a moment longer before he sighs and lays back against the pillows. "Alright, Dom. I get it."

As sleep began to claim me, I couldn't escape the nagging doubt that this was just the beginning of a storm I couldn't predict or control.

I hate the not knowing, and I need to fix this pesky little problem, and soon.



Over the past few weeks, I've been indulging in a dangerous dance, one that Dominic knows nothing about. As I go about my routine, he's oblivious to the secret I've been harboring, a secret that's evolved into something far more complex than I could have anticipated. Last night in bed, when I brought her up, I knew I stepped too far and showed my hand. I’ve been so careful to not show the depths of this obsession to my brother, but like a fucking idiot, I spoke before I could think about the words that flowed out of my mouth.

Quinn Sorvani has become my fascination, my obsession, and my deepest infatuation. From the shadows, I've watched her–her movements, her routines, the way she interacts with the world around her. It started as an innocent curiosity, a way to keep tabs on the reporter who was intent on uncovering our secrets. But now, it's transformed into something more, something that stirs feelings I'm struggling to comprehend. My needs are basic and have been for a long time. Food, water, Dominic, sex, and death.

As I sit in my car across the street from her favorite café, my heart quickens at the sight of her. She's engrossed in her notebook, her brow furrowed in concentration. The way her lips purse when she's deep in thought, the way her fingers dance across the page–it's as if I'm drawn to her every movement, every detail.

It's madness, I know. I've been down this path before, the line between fascination and obsession blurring until it becomes a tangled mess of emotions. I never wanted to experience that again and the issues it caused between my brother and me. But with Quinn, it's different. It's like she's a puzzle I'm desperate to solve, a mystery I'm compelled to unravel.

I've spent hours pouring over the notes I've compiled about her. Her likes, her dislikes, her past, anything that could give me insight into the woman who's captured my attention so completely. I've become a silent observer in her life, stealing glances whenever I can, piecing together the fragments of information I've gathered.

But it's not just about the investigation anymore or about watching her from a distance, hidden in the shadows. No, it's something more, something that sets my heart racing and my thoughts spiraling into places I've never really ventured before.

I've caught myself imagining what it would be like to know her, to truly know her. To bring her into our work and taint her until she’s filthy just like us. I want to corrupt her and keep her like a living doll. And that's when the realization hit me that the depth of my feelings has moved past mere curiosity.

And the truth is, I can't just dismiss this as a passing thought. The more I learn about her, the more I want her to be part of our world.

I've even entertained the idea of bringing her into our twisted dynamic. A third to make our duo a triad. It's a fantasy that plays out in my mind, where the three of us navigate the world together as we live, work, and play.

As I watch Quinn close her notebook and head out of the café, a mixture of hope and trepidation fills my chest. Dominic may be the anchor to my world, the one who's held me steady through every storm, but Quinn has become a force I can't ignore. I'm drawn to her like a moth to a flame, and I can't help but wonder if this is the moment when our paths collide, when our lives interact in a way that changes everything.

It's a dangerous desire, a risky obsession, and I'm teetering on the edge, uncertain of what awaits me if I take that final step into the unknown. But one thing's for certain, my infatuation with Quinn Sorvani has set a course in motion, one that's destined to lead us all down a path of shadows, secrets, and desires we can't escape.
