Page 18 of Harbingers

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The office door swings shut behind me as I step into the familiar space of LaRue Brothers Cleaning. As I glance at the empty desk and the neatly stacked folders, a knot forms in my stomach.

I walk further into the back of the building that houses all the standard cleaning equipment we use for business and not play.Never mix the two.My brother’s voice echoes in my head.

He's leaning against the industrial drum of bleach, his arms crossed over his chest, a storm brewing in his darkening eyes. There's a tension in the air, a heaviness that threatens to suffocate me. I meet his gaze, trying to muster the casual nonchalance that usually accompanies my entrance. But there's something different in his stare, something that tells me he knows more than he's letting on.

"Where have you been, Khi?" His voice is calm, a deceptive guise over the anger simmering beneath.

I shrug, feigning indifference. "Just out, you know, running some errands. Causing anarchy and mayhem through the streets of downtown."

He doesn't respond immediately. His gaze locked onto mine as if he's trying to read the truth in my eyes. My heart races, the weight of my recent actions pressing down on me like a heavy burden. I've been sneaking around, following Quinn, indulging in a dangerous curiosity that's spiraled into something far beyond my control. And now, I'm face to face with the consequences.

"Errands? Just what fucking errands do you have that I’m not fucking aware of?" Dominic's voice is laced with a hint of skepticism, and I can feel his gaze drilling into me. Shit shit shit.

I nod, hoping that my casual demeanor will be enough to deter his probing. But as I study his expression, I realize that he's not buying it–he sees right through me.

"Is that what you're calling it?" he retorts, his tone laced with frustration.

He knows, and there's no escaping it now. The web of lies I've spun is unraveling before me, and I'm left standing here, exposed.

"Look, Dom, it's not a big deal," I reply, my voice strained as I attempt to downplay the situation.

His eyes narrow, his jaw clenched as he takes a step closer. "Not a big deal? You've been sneaking around for weeks, lying to my face. You know how I feel about fucking liars."

I swallow hard, the weight of his disappointment settling on my shoulders. I've betrayed his trust, and there's no justification that can erase the pain I've caused.

"I was just curious, okay? It’s not that big of a damn deal," I blurt out.

His expression darkens, his anger palpable. "Curious? You're risking everything for curiosity? I buy that about as well as you saying you’ll be celibate the rest of your life."

I open my mouth to respond, to explain the tangled mess of emotions that led me down this path, but he cuts me off with a bitter laugh.

"Tell me, Khi, how far have you taken this curiosity? How close have you gotten to Sorvani?"

My heart pounds, my guilt and shame laid bare for him to see. "I've been watching her, following her," I admit, my voice barely above a whisper.

Dominic's gaze is a mixture of anger and something I can't quite decipher. "And why, Khi? Why her?"

I struggle to find the words, to explain the whirlwind of emotions that have consumed me. “She's intriguing, and I thought…fuck, I thought I could handle it. I got all this info on her we can use though, Dom.”

His expression morphs, his frustration giving way to something that resembles exasperation. "Handle it? Khi, you were getting too close, too involved. Do you realize the fucking danger you've put us in?"

I nod, the weight of my actions settling in the pit of my stomach. "I know, Dom. I fucked up."

He sighs, running a hand through his hair as he seems to wrestle with his own emotions. "You're damn right you fucked up, Khi. This isn't just about you. There are two of us. Everything we do is about both of us. It’s about the fact you obey me, no one else. Least of all yourself. You’ve never strayed this far before. You knew this was a bad fucking idea, and still you pursued it. Did you even stop to consider how badly this could blow up in our goddamn faces?"

I lower my gaze, unable to meet his eyes any longer. The truth of his words cuts deep, a painful reminder of the consequences of my reckless curiosity.

"Fuck, I’m sorry, Dom," I finally admit, my voice laced with regret as I rub the back of my neck.

He steps closer, his hand reaching out to grab my throat, a gesture that's both comforting and chastising. "Not as sorry as you’re going to be, little brother."



The dim light in our workspace casts an eerie glow, shadows dancing across the worn floor as I lean against a table, my arms folded across my chest. The silence is heavy, punctuated only by the sound of Malakhi's harsh breaths as he scrubs at the floor with a toothbrush. A punishment for fucking lying to me.
