Page 24 of Harbingers

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The admission shakes me to my core. He loves me, and it's a revelation that terrifies me.

"I…" My voice catches in my throat, the weight of my own emotions making it hard to breathe. "I love you too, Dom."

The words spill out of me, a confession that's been buried deep within me for far too long. It's a truth that's always lingered beneath the surface but not something I was ready to verbalize, hell, even really think about. Not really.

Dominic's gaze intensifies, his eyes locked on mine as if trying to decipher the truth behind my words. "I know you fucking do, baby boy. If you think you hide it, it’s been written all over your fucking face for years."

I nod, my heart pounding in my chest as I meet his gaze, my vulnerability laid bare before him.

His lips curve into a small, tender smile, a rare glimpse of warmth and affection. "We're a pair of twisted souls, aren't we?"

I can't help but chuckle, a mixture of relief and something deeper bubbling within me. "Yeah, we are."

In that moment, everything shifts. We're two brothers who've found solace in each other's darkness, who've forged a connection that defies the bounds of convention.

Dominic's gaze drills into me, a searing intensity that threatens to unravel the carefully constructed facade I've upheld for so long. His eyes, sharp and probing, dissect me with a precision that sends a shiver down my spine. It's as if he's peeling away the layers, exposing the raw core of my being, the part I've kept hidden even from myself.

I shift under his gaze, a nervous energy pulsating through me. His scrutiny is unyielding, unrelenting, and I can't help but feel exposed, vulnerable. What does he see? What truth is he uncovering from me?

Time seems to stretch, each passing moment a weight on my shoulders. The tension in the room is palpable, a silent battle of wills as we stand locked in this unspoken exchange. It's as if the air itself has become charged with a strange energy, a mixture of anticipation and uncertainty.

And then, just when I think I can't bear it any longer, his gaze softens, a subtle shift in his expression that catches me off guard. It's a vulnerability that's rarely glimpsed, a crack in the armor he's always worn so effortlessly.

Finally, he speaks, his voice carrying a weight that matches the gravity of the moment. "Alright, Khi."

The words hang in the air, a fragile thread that bridges the gap between us, just barely.

As the weight of his gaze lingers, the significance of his agreement settles over me like a heavy blanket. He’s agreeing, but at what cost? With Dominic LaRue, there is always a cost to be paid…and one of us will be paying for it.

Quinn's presence lingers in the air between us, a constant reminder of the choices we've made, the darkness we've embraced. I turn to her, my expression a mix of intensity and determination. "You heard him. He's agreed."

Her gaze flits between us, uncertainty and curiosity dancing in her eyes. "Agreed to what?"

"To us," I say, my voice steady despite the turmoil within me. "To being with both of us."

Quinn's eyes widen, a mixture of surprise, something else, and fear flickering within them. "Both of you?"

I nod, my heart pounding as I struggle to contain the whirlwind of emotions that threaten to engulf me.

Her gaze snaps to him, confusion and hurt clouding her features. "What do you mean?"

He meets her gaze, his eyes unwavering, his expression filled with resignation and determination. "Malakhi wants you. I'm doing it for him."

Quinn's expression shifts. “Do I have a say?”

“Sure. Would you rather die, or would you rather come on my cock?” I give her the ultimatum. There’s no choice, not really. She doesn’t want to die, and her lust is palpable even through her fear.



Winking at Dom, I move in front of Quinn and squat down, running the pads of my fingers across the delicate skin along her hairline and down her neck. She doesn’t jump back or flinch, just subtly I notice she leans into my touch. Convincing her to be with us will be even easier than I thought.

“I've been watching you for what seems like forever. You’re lonely, sweetheart. No one visits you, and you don’t see anyone either. No phone calls and barely any texts. Aren’t you tired of being alone? I would be, but see, I have Dominic, and you could have both of us. Just say yes. We’ll make you part of us… a forever part.” I put a big smile on my face, further drawing her in.

I drop on my ass and scoot back until I’m sitting against the wall side-by-side with her. Shoulders touching and her handcuffed hands jiggling as she twists the fingers of each hand. A habit of hers when she’s nervous or stressed.

My eyes move from between her and my brother as he watches the both of us. I’m many things, delusional being at the top of the list, but I know that while his words said yes, this may be the only actual time I get with her. And I’m okay with that.
