Page 25 of Harbingers

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If I can slake myself and the overpowering lust for this inquisitive pretty little package, then I’ll be happy. Dominic is nothing if not my big brother. He’ll do anything to give me what I want, but there’s always a caveat. He’s not interested in Quinn, regardless of the fact that he does find her attractive. He’s got a better handle on his lust than I ever have. It’s never been his driving force, unlike me who does whatever I can to tempt him into fucking my brattiness out.

The silence in the air is thick and suffocating. None of us speak, and I’m never one to be very quiet, so I break the silence, “How about you sit here and just watch, hmm?”

I don’t wait for a response before getting up, and Dominic shakes his head at me. “Crawl,” he demands, and I’m entirely too eager to comply.

I hear her soft intake of breath on a gasp as I move across the concrete floor until I reach my brother’s feet. His hand rakes through my hair, and I nuzzle his palm just like a cat.

“So easy to make you happy, baby boy. You want to make me happy now? Show the little nosy girl how good you bend for me, hmm?”

“You know I do. Let me taste you.” I tug on his pants, eager for him to free his dick so I can swallow it down, and both of our moans can permeate the air and hopefully entice Quinn even further.

“Start at the bottom. I’ll let you taste my boot first. Earn the taste of my cock.” I hear her gasp behind me, and I turn to look at her as I lean down and stick out my tongue, running the flattened surface up one black, shiny Doc Marten and then back to the toe area.

“Good boy. Now the other, fair is fair, and they both deserve your loving attention. Wouldn’t you agree, little snoop?” My eyes are still trained on Quinn, and her own orbs are glazed over between watching me and Dominic’s voice.

My cock is harder than I can ever remember it being, and it all has to do with this moment. When Dominic is like this, utterly and completely domineering, and with the pretty audience we have, I can’t think of anything that turns me on more. Except maybe if we were covered in blood.

What I wouldn't give to dip a paintbrush into a fresh blood source and let the soft bristle glide across our skin, marking us in unique patterns that only my mind can fully understand. Swirls and dips. Raindrops and caverns. Canvases just covered in my designs, and maybe finally, all the noise in my head would quiet enough for me to just be. Maybe nothing would be whispering in the back of my mind, desperate to get me to act out one way or another.

I tongue the laces of the other boot before drawing the aglet between my teeth, flicking my tongue across the small piece of metal the same way as when I’m sucking my brother’s dick.

“Do you like that? You like watching my brother on his knees, willing to do anything to bring me pleasure. I know you do. I can tell in the way your eyes are blown wide, your breathing has increased, and the uncontrollable twitch of your legs. You’re trying to hide how turned on you are. How wet your little busybody cunt is dripping.” Fuck me, Dominic has a way with words, and all the things he’s saying to Quinn have precome leaking from my tip, and I know if I dropped my pants right now that a large wet spot would be present.

Hands thread through my hair, and he pulls my head up so I’m looking at him, and I’m forced to drop the lace from my mouth. The way his large palms spread over my face is comforting, but it’s when he dips his thumbs to my bottom lip, dragging it down before pushing both into my mouth that is when that heady feeling of addiction sets in.

“Such a pretty boy you are, Malakhi. Even if you are naughty and a pain in my goddamn fucking ass. Now I want you to strip us both, and make it good, so your little slutty toy over there can get a show.” I’m all too happy to oblige, and I start unlacing the boots on my brother’s feet. Once I’m finished taking those off, I sit back on my haunches, waiting impatiently. Finally, Dom removes his fingers from my mouth, giving me the okay to continue, and I stand up and turn so I’m facing Quinn head-on.

I smirk at her, letting my tongue peek out at the corner of my mouth as I grab the back of my gray shirt and pull it over my head and act like a complete idiot, twirling it above my head before tossing it at her.

“Malakhi,” I hear my brother growl out behind me. “Quit the Magic Mike act.”

“Oh, lighten up. You told me to put on a show, and that’s what I was doing.” The mirth in my tone is mocking him, and I know I’ll pay for it. I’m counting on it.

“Smells good, huh?” I say when I catch Quinn sniffing the t-shirt I tossed at her. Her face flushes bright red at being called out, and I just stare at her as I drag my pants and underwear down, stopping to untie my own boots before standing back up. I know I look good. My body is as if sculpted from marble by artists of old. The dual sets of eyes drilling into me have me preening. The known heat from Dominic burns into my back while the doe eyes of Quinn drag up and down the front of me as she takes in her fill.

I turn back around because I still need to disrobe Dom. Reaching for the hem of his shirt, I pull the black cotton up and off, but this time I don’t play around and just drop it to the ground. Hooking my fingers into the black tactical pants he’s wearing, I undo the button before dropping to my knees once again and dragging the zipper down with my teeth. Something I know he enjoys, and I have no doubt that little miss reporter does also.

I tug the pants down until he steps out of them, and then I go to stand back up, letting my hands glide up the outside of his legs as I do, but my eyes never leave the hard cock sticking straight out at me. I move to engulf it in my mouth, but a sharp “No” stops me.

“Back down. Now crawl my little puppy. You wanted a pussy so bad, you’re going to be a fucking dog for it.” It’s as if my body is not my own, and I immediately respond to his commands. Dropping down until I’m on all fours and I start to move, but he steps in front me, blocking my path. Quinn is only a few feet away, and I want her. I want to gorge myself on her and make her feast on me.

The jingle of chain links clacking together hits my ears, and then I feel the cool leather encircle my neck as my brother puts a fucking collar on me. The chain was a leash he’s attached just like a fucking dog owner. Just how fucking long has he had this little idea in mind? Before I can even voice this, he answers me, clearly once again reading my warped mind.

“I’ve had this for a while. Never knew if I would ever want to use it but just in case, it’s always good to be prepared. Call me a fucking depraved Boy Scout or some fucking shit. I had rain drops carved into the leather.” I’m left speechless for a moment.

“You gonna walk me to my new toy?” I quip at him. I want him to, and I hope he does. He owns me and I own him. The collar is just another connection between us. Nothing is too much, too obscure, or too forbidden when it comes to my brother and me.

“Come, Khi.” I feel the tug on my leash and then I’mwalkingtoward Quinn who has long since stopped looking afraid. She’s turned on and intrigued. We’re appealing to every atom in her being that calls to be a reporter. Fucking reporters have no self-preservation skills. Hyper-fixating on finding out all the things which work in my favor. How easily it was to turn her around on her head and get her on board.

We reach her and she’s trembling, not from fear but from arousal. I can smell and taste it in the air, and being this close to her has me fucking foaming at the mouth like the rabid animal I am.

“Sit.” I do as he says and relax back on my heels, and he lets the leash go until it’s dangling from my neck, and he moves to the side of where Quinn is before opening up a drawer to the cabinet there and retrieving a key.

“I’m gonna unlock you, little snoop. Can’t join us in our fun bound to the fucking wall. I mean you could, but that’s not quite what I had in mind. You won’t run, will you?” Dominic asks her, but it’s me who answers.

“She’s not going to leave. She wants us just like I knew she would. She’s perfect for us.” All I hear is ahmmand then the sounds of the cuffs being undone followed by the rope tethering her to the anchor in the concrete.

“I wasn’t asking you, puppy. Mind your mouth or no bone for you. Now, do you want to just watch, or do you want to join in? Choice is yours,” he tells her, and her eyes dart from me to him and back.
