Page 12 of Noble Expectations

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Dropping the tawse, I lean forward and take her clit between my lips, sucking hard as I pump two fingers into her pussy and rub her G-spot. She comes more quickly than I’d anticipated. Apparently, I’d stumbled on a good combination and rhythm. Experience has taught me that when you get a woman coming, stay the fucking course, and do not change a damned thing.

We still have three minutes to spare by the time she cries uncle and begs me to stop.

“Excellent timing, Petal. I’ll get your phone, then release you to make your call.”

She’s loopy as hell, and I wonder, with just a hint of worry, what Craig is going to make of it.

As soon as I release her hands, she makes the call. She’s not making a whole lot of sense and a moment later, she holds the phone out to me. I take it and hand her a bottle of water. “Drink.” I demand as I lift the phone to my ear. “Hi Craig?”

“Alfred. Sounds like she’s having a wonderful time and you have her well in hand. I still want those calls as scheduled, but between you and me, that’s only because I know from experience that not following through with her can lead to problems down the road.”

“Understood. I can’t guarantee she’ll be any more coherent at eleven, but she’ll talk to you.”

He chuckles. “Just as long as she calls. Enjoy your next three hours.”



A quick pint withmy closest friend means being entertained by updates on the revolving door that is his love-life.

Except when it doesn’t.

“When are you going to get back in circulation?” he asks.

I shrug. It’s not like I can tell him I’m having casual kinky sex with the King’s only daughter. There are things you can’t even tell your lifelong best friend. True, I don’t have to tell him who I’m having kinky sex with, but I’m not willing to risk that I might let something slip that could out Alex.

“I’m off to Scaffold tonight. You should come with.”

That is absolutely the last thing I want to do, so I reach for the one excuse guaranteed to work “I don’t have anyone to look after Pippa.”

“Next time then.” He looks at his wristwatch and shrugs. “Must dash. Hug Pippa for me. And I’m going to hold you to that next time.”

I just shake my head. I’m living Peter’s dream. Hooking up with a woman who wants nothing more than casual kinky sex.

I should probably be grateful that’s all Alex wants. That was the whole arrangement, right?

She was supposed to be a good time. Stress relief.

She wasn’t supposed to…to what?

I’d kept her away from Pippa on purpose to avoid complications. To avoid attachments.

But the novelty of a casual hookup wore off after the first few weeks and left me wanting more.

I want to know her as a person, not just an assortment of pleasure-holes. Every time I invite her for a purely social interaction, she shoots me down. And the few times I’ve tried to include her in activities with Pippa, she’s been downright vehement in her refusals.

But that doesn’t keep me from continuing to ask. Because as long as she’s willing to fuck me, I hold out hope that there’s a chance she’ll want more, too.



Freddyand I have been stealing a night here and a weekend there together for months, now. And I’ve come to realise that it’s not doing either of us any good.

For me, keeping secrets has been standard operating procedure. It’s second nature. But it’s hurting Freddy terribly. He clearly wants more, and I just can’t give it to him. Not without destroying his privacy, which in turn will put his daughter in the crosshairs.

I know what I need to do, but I’m just selfish enough to hold out for one last night of bliss.
