Page 19 of Noble Expectations

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I stareat the plastic stick in disbelief. It’s impossible.

Okay, not impossible. Where there’s sex, there’s a risk. But I’m on the pill, so it shouldn’t have happened.

And now I need to see my doctor to confirm what that damnable plastic stick has already told me.

I put a call into my GP and make an appointment for this afternoon.

My first instinct is to ditch my bodyguard and get myself to my appointment, but there is a limit to how often I can get away with it, and I may have a greater need for privacy at a later date.

It’s times like this I envy Duncan’s relationship with Craig.

“Everything okay?” Karen asks after I tell her we are going to my doctor’s office. I find this rather worrisome.

“I expect so,” I hedge.

“If there’s anything I can do…” She leaves it at that, and now I’m even more bothered because it feels like she’s pushing.

As soon as we arrive at my GP’s office, I’m ushered directly into an examination room. I’m not comfortable with Karen even being in the waiting room for fear she may overhear something.

The door opens just a minute or two later and Dr. Smythe walks in carrying my file.

“What brings you in today?” she asks.

“I’m pregnant. At least that’s what the little plastic stick said this morning.”

“And how do you feel about that?”

“I don’t know.”

“Let’s make it official before we go any farther.” She reaches into a cupboard and passes me a specimen container and a gown. “Toilet is through there.” She points to the other door in the small room. “Change into this and you can leave the container on the shelf when you’re done.”

Dr. Smythe looks up as I return to the exam room a few minutes later. “Hop up onto the table and I’ll be back in a moment.”

By the time she’s done with me, I’ve been poked, prodded, pricked, and pronounced pregnant.

“I’m in for the rest of the day,” I tell Karen as she drops me off the entrance to the palace. I make my way to my private quarters and make myself a forbidden cup of tea. Not exactly forbidden; the doctor said Ishouldn’thave caffeine, not couldn’t.

Once I’m settled on the sofa, I pull out my phone and call Craig.

“What’s going on?” I love that protective, older brother vibe he gives off. I’ll admit to having a wild crush on him once upon a time ago.

“Karen is being far too nosy, and my radar is pinging hard. The thing is, I realise it might be a mistake to replace her too quickly. I was just at the doctor, and…”

“I agree that replacing her too quickly is a bad move. So, instead, she’ll be the one to go with you for everything that’s public—official functions, shopping, that sort of thing. For anything that’s to be kept on the down-low, you give me as much advance notice as possible, and I’ll arrange for Ailsa to fill in until we can find someone who doesn’t ping your radar.”

“What about Charlotte?”

He chuckles. “Her Grace is under the ever-watchful eye of your brother. You can trust Ailsa completely. She answers directly to me, and she’s proven herself more than trustworthy. Try not to worry.”

“Okay. Thank you, Craig.”

“You’re welcome. And you can always count on me.”

One problem solved. If only the other were so easy.
