Page 28 of Noble Expectations

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“As long as that’s what you want, she’s willing. Yes.”

“I do. Now, you mentioned this was the good news, so I assume there must be some bad.”

“Your phone has been hacked. Unfortunately, someone figured out that you were leaving your phone here and followed you to Woodside Farm.”

Those odious bastards.

“Do you know what the worst part of all this is, Craig?”

“No, tell me.”

“That Freddy—”

“Alfred is a grown man who knew the risks going in.”

“Fine, but Pippa is absolutely the innocent party, and I can’t bear for her to be hurt.”

“Understandable. Look, I’ll do what I can from my end, which isn’t much. But I’m going to give you a little unsolicited advice. The way I see it, you have two options. Walk away from Alfred completely with the hope that the world forgets about Pippa and him—and before you say it, I know you’re planning to co-parent, so this optioncanwork if there were an intermediary like a nanny. The other option is that you see each other more. Show a united front to the world. Okay, that was more laying out options than actual advice. I know you’ll make the right decision. And again, I’m sorry this has blown up into more than it ever should have been.”

“Thanks, Craig. And actually, your unsolicited advice, as you called it, just reinforces the way Freddy and I intend to go forward. How are Charlotte and Duncan taking things?”

“They’re holding up. They’ll be by to see you a later this afternoon and you can see for yourself. Is there anything else?”

“No, thank you. I appreciate everything you’ve done. I suppose I may see you later.”

I open my door to Charlotte a little after four. I’d rung her and Duncan last night to break the news, and to be honest, I’d expected they’d need a few days at least before facing me.

It’s all I can do to hold it together. She looks so thin and frail, and the guilt for being pregnant when she’s just lost one—

She grabs me and pulls me into a fierce hug. “Stop it right now, Xandra. Just stop. Let’s go sit down. I’ve got something I’m going to tell you just this once and then we never speak of it again.”

Nodding I lead the way to my sitting room. Taking my hand, pulls me down with her onto the sofa, then wraps me in her arms. “Losing the baby made me sad. But the truth is, I wasn’t ready to be a parent. I’m still not. So, as heartbreaking as it is, it was for the best.”

She gives me another hard squeeze and kisses the top of my head. “Now, as for you, if you’re happy about this, I couldn’t be more thrilled. Two of my favourite people in the world are having a baby together. Duncan is over the moon, too. Another kid to sugar up and send home.”

I giggle at that.

“Thank you, Charlotte. I do feel a lot better now knowing that this isn’t like kicking you while you’re down.”

“Not at all. It’s a wonderful new direction to focus my energy. I plan to do dreadful amount of shopping between now and when my new niece or nephew makes their way into the world.”

“Where’s Duncan?”

“Teasing your parents mercilessly. He knew you and I would need some time alone. He’s worried about you. So, you should have a quiet chat with him before we head home this evening. We’re staying to supper.”

“I suppose we should ride to the rescue, although I don’t know who will be in more need, Duncan or our parents.”

Charlotte chuckles. “I suspect it may be a draw.”

As we walk into the salon, Duncan strides purposefully across the room hugs me hard. “I love you, baby sister.”

And that’s what makes me cry.



Alex grinsand hurries across the sitting room when Pippa and I enter. I lean down and brush my lips gently across Alex’s. “Hello, love.”
