Page 45 of A Matter of Destiny

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His touch is almost delicate. His tongue flutters across my lips as his hand sinks into my hair, and I open wider, inviting him in. His kiss tastes like lemon and sugar; I can almost imagine the sweet fire of frost wine on his tongue. Our mouths dance together, moving to that same inexorable pull I always feel around Doshir, bringing us closer and closer until my hand is on his thigh, then climbing to cup the subtle curve of his hip as my chest presses against his. The stars spin above us, and the entire world could be burning down right now and I wouldn’t care. I’d never even notice. Because I’m finally kissing Doshir, and it feels like coming home.

When he pulls away, both of us panting for breath, my body sings like a blade held against a sharpening stone. His hand cups my cheek, and his dark eyes search mine.

“Thank you,” he whispers. “Stars, Rayne. You risked so much to warn the Iron Mountains.”

My heart trembles somewhere inside the cage of my ribs. I swallow hard around that pulsing knot of fear, then press my lips together, still aching from our kiss. The truth burns inside my chest like an ember, its smoke rising up my throat. My teeth close over my bottom lip as I turn away, but then I stop myself.

Kings above, we’ve already come this far. Why would I hide this from him? What do I have left to protect?

“Doshir,” I say, the words coming slowly, as though I have to find them scattered across a dark room. “I didn’t come for the Iron Mountains. I came for you.”

I turn back to him, my breath caught in my mouth, a wash of strange, prickly fear trembling across my overheated skin. Did he truly think I would abandon Valgros to warn a of dragons I’ve never even met? Or that I would choose King Donovan over him?

Our eyes meet, and then we’re moving together before either of us can ruin the moment with more words. Our lips crash together, this kiss hot and fast and urgent, as though we’re trying to fill all the weeks we’ve spent apart. I feel his teeth beneath the hot press of his lips, and then I’m inside of him, pressing against his mouth, tasting his breath, swallowing his moan.

He leans backward, and I follow him, advancing as he parries my kisses, my hands sinking beneath the soft fabric of his shirt to run up the hard, hot length of his chest. And then he’s on his back beneath me, his shoulders pressed into the dirt and pine needles, one of his hands deep in my hair, the other wrapped so tightly around my waist it might never come off.

I pull away from our bruising kiss just long enough to admire the feral gleam in his eyes, the way his hair tumbles across the dirt, and the hungry twist in his lips. Kings help me, I want him so badly it aches. Just like I’d wanted him the night he surprised me in this campsite, even though I’d just run from Cairncliff and sworn I would never see him again.

But then he’d walked out of these woods, all tangled hair and smoldering eyes and swallowed half-apologies, and my mind had been right here, in the dirt, with his exquisite body spread out beneath mine. I’d had to fight the urge to watch him that night, after he lay down on his cloak on the other side of my dying fire, to stare at that sculpted backside, at the delicate arc of his neck. To run my lips all along the curve of that back.

Doshir’s hips tilt slightly, rubbing against me, and the memories I’d been chasing blow apart. I sink back down into our kiss, all of it forgotten, our bodies now the only thing that matters. Here, in this moment, together.

His fingers tangle in my hair and his right hand slides underneath my shirt and traces the arc of my spine. Our lips batter each other, crashing together like waves against the shore. I feel like I’ve been starving, dying of thirst, and some part of me wonders that I made it this long before throwing myself at this man.

He moans into my mouth as his body pulls taut below mine. I fall back from our kiss, gasping for air, and his hips shift. There’s a moment when the heat, the solid press of him, brushes my core, and lightning shoots through every muscle in my body. Then he twists his hips, and the world spins as he flips me onto my back.

I land on something soft, and it takes me a moment to realize Doshir has spun me onto the bedroll I’d spread out so primly on his side of the fire. I grin as I stare up at him, remembering the reams of silk he’d pulled from nowhere to spread over the ground in the garden. But Doshir’s not smiling down at me. No, there’s something wild in his dark eyes, something feral and hungry in the pull of his lips as he stares down at me like a dragon ready to devour his prey.

And stars, that makes me burn. My breath catches in my throat and my hips tilt off the bedroll, rising to meet him. Ready to be devoured, to burn in his fire. Our last union in the Valorous Arms had been sweet and slow, both of us wrapped in the delicious illusion that it was just the first of many nights we’d spend tangled in each other’s bodies, that we had all the time in the world.

But now, as Doshir devours me with his eyes, I realize we both know better. We’ve lost everything, the two of us, and now we’re throwing ourselves into an impossible mission.I’m about to end up in chains,Doshir said as we stood together on the deck of his father’s ship, watching the great bronze dragon that sired him rise into the sky above Cairncliff. And hadn’t I always known running from Rensivar would mean my doom?

I reach forward, wrap my fingers around the tight muscles of Doshir’s neck, and pull him down to me. This kiss is sweet and deep; I taste the salt of sweat on his lips, the heat and burn of urgency. It was bliss to make love to Doshir in the little room in the Valorous Arms, to pretend we could have a lifetime ahead of us. But now, we only have tonight.

Our kiss breaks slowly, neither one of us wanting to let go. Doshir pants into the air between us, his body trembling above me, my thighs slick with anticipation as the length of his cock rubs the cloth separating us. Stars, it’s so good, being this close to him, feeling the weight and heat of his body. It’s so good, but it hurts too. Even as I run my fingers up his back, tugging his shirt off of his glorious chest, some part of me mourns the future we had so briefly imagined. Traveling to the Silver City, arm in arm beneath the fabled Towers, talking and laughing and smiling like any other couple with the luxury of uncountable hours spread out before them like the scattering of sand leading to a beach.

Doshir’s shirt slips over his head, and we kiss again, his skin hot beneath my touch, his hands working their way under my shirt and up my rib cage to cup my breast. I arc my spine against the bedroll, hungry for his touch, for all of him, and then pull away long enough to rip my own shirt off; my breasts press against his chest, skin on skin, and sparks explode across my body.

What had been a slow, deep burn explodes like wildfire. Heat pulses between my legs, moisture soaking through the fine riding pants that strange elf had handed me, and now I’m rubbing against the hard length of Doshir’s cock like that fabric barrier means nothing. Already my breath is coming hard and fast, arousal pulling tight inside me, the rest of the world fading as all of my attention centers on Doshir’s touch, Doshir’s lips across my neck, the curve of Doshir’s spine beneath my palms. I try to speak, but the words come out jagged, in a long, low moan that might be either a blessing or a curse.

Doshir’s hand trails down my stomach, dropping from my breast to the maelstrom of heat between my legs. Even through the fabric of my pants, his touch unleashes a bolt of pleasure deep inside my body that’s so bright it burns. I gasp as my hips flex, rising to meet him, hungry for more.

His fingers rise to trace the waistline of my pants while I grind desperately against him, my breath coming in whimpers. The fabric pulls tight, then relaxes as he releases the lacing. A deep sort of growl rises from the back of his throat, and it takes my overheated mind a moment to recognize the sound as speech.

“Rayne,” he whispers, his voice thick and hot against my neck. “You want this?”

I groan, run my hands down his back, and shove frantically at the waistline of his pants.

“Fuck,” I growl, trying to rip his pants off his body. “Fuck, Doshir, yes!”

And his lips are on mine again, kissing me like he wants to fight me, like this is a contest and, damn it all, he’s going to win. His tongue sinks into me, ruthless and rhythmic, pulsing deep inside of me as his hands shove my pants down past my waist.

Then he breaks our kiss, leaving me gasping, my lips aching and slick, my heart thundering inside my throat. His mouth traces a burning path down my neck, along my collarbone, and to the swell of my breast. When his lips close over the hot bud of my nipple, I cry out, pleasure spiking inside me as sharp and sudden as a blade.

My back bucks against the bedroll, desperate to bring our bodies together, but Doshir draws it out, taking his damned sweet time, closing his fingers around one nipple, his lips around the other, squeezing and rolling while I whimper and twist beneath him, my entire body pulsing with need so deep it’s almost pain.

“Doshir,” I manage to gasp as I sink my hands into the chaos of his curls. “Please!”
