Page 21 of Embracing Darkness

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And there it was, the sound that I needed. The one that told me that this would work. The one that told me that this job was going to be even more troublesome than the last and the last one left me in the hospital.

This one could rip out my heart.

Chapter fifteen


Escaping into my room hadn’t exactly been the smartest idea after Owen left. I still had to returnto the kitchen to get the estimate so they could leave. The worst part was that in my haste I had also brought Paval into my room, the kid now sitting at my side on my bed. He kicked his legs, enjoying the silence for several moments before looking over at me. It was like having a physical, breathing version of Fibo at my side, no need to dip into my pocket to trace those perfect swirls.

“You like my dad.” Like was a strong word. I liked what he did to my body but the man—fuck. I did like him and I’m even sure how that happened in less than 24 hours.

Is it that fucking obvious?Trying to sift through my panicked reaction, I realized that I had just made a really,reallybig mess. “I shouldn’t have done that.” Dragging them into the confrontation with Owen hadn’t been my smartest idea to date either.

“Why? Dad likes you.” Paval stated as if it was just a fact. This time he looked directly at me, smiling as he reached for my hand. I freely gave it but I was still worried about the outcome of all of this. Owen hadn’t left quietly and I just knew that the near altercation would only bring my ex-fiancé back around again to just ‘check in’.

“I just met him.” I was also talking to a 5-year-old about his father and whether or not I liked him.

Paval shrugged, seeming much older than he was. “So? Dad says when you know, you just know.”

Those were big words for such a small kid. I didn’t want to admit that in such a short amount of time, I had fallen for Paval’s fatherandhis two other lovers. So, in my adult voice, I all but told Paval to shut up. “And you’re five,” I retorted.

He giggled, covering his mouth to hide the sound. “That doesn’t mean I don’t know.”

How is this my life?

This morning, I had been intent on nursing a hangover and reminiscing about the thorough stuffing I had received, before working on my dissertation. Now, I was here, mortified at the dark turn this day had taken. Paval seemed completely oblivious to my warring emotions as he jumped into a fantastical tale of what he was learning at school and all the big words he had learned this week. His enthusiasm was hard to ignore as his hands moved in big gestures, his eyes wide and bright as he spoke.

He jumped off the bed and began recanting the tale that led to why he had ended up in the truck, my heart breaking just slightly for how much Paval had endured at such a young age. It spoke to why he was so well-learned and with support like those men outside, I knew he was wise beyond his years.

“Hey, Pav, can you give us a minute?”

Paval looked up at Gianni currently filling my doorway and grinned before racing off down the hallway. “Of course, Daddy!”

I flinched as he came closer, Gianni kneeling on the floor by my knees, much the same way Owen had done yesterday. The difference was how it made me feel. With Owen, I had felt patronized. With Gianni, I felt important.

I didn’t know why but I kind of liked staring down at him.

“It’s all a bit unorthodox and I’d be apologizing if I thought you needed it.” Gianni paused as if giving me a moment to refute that statement. When I didn’t say anything, he continued. “Rhys, you know that I and Val want you, want more than just last night. I know you felt it in the kitchen with Dmitri. It’s not… orthodox but we wantyou, Rhys. If you’ll have us. For as long as it lasts.”

It was like he had just asked me if he could have some water from my kitchen rather than inviting me into a fuckfest friends-with-benefits situation including three Greek gods. Gianni had always been a bit blunt but this approach was new. I didn’t have an answer to his proposal, especially when they were creating an estimate for a kitchen I had no money to update.

“You’ll scare the guy,” Dmitri pushed into my room, sitting beside me on the mattress, the foam dipping with the sheer bulk of the man. Heat radiated from his skin but in a way that made me want to do very,verynaughty things. I also just wanted to sit here with them, their arms wrapped around me as we held each other.

Starved for touch wasn’t just dramatic nonsense. I wasn’t ashamed that I shifted toward Dmitri, sighing when our sides brushed against each other. This was a terrible idea. It wouldn’t end well and yet, I wasn’t really sure I cared.

Gianni placed a hand on my knee, confusing me even more. “Rhys, this isn’t just because of last night and I think you know that.” I swallowed carefully, trying to keep my thoughts from racing. What Gianni was proposing had never been on the table. After he had moved, I hadn’t been expecting him again. And now? He was offering not just himself but Dmitri and Valentyn and fuck, I wanted it. “Babe, only if you want to but I saw the way you responded to the other two and you could use a little more than the plain face piece of shit that is Owen. Tell me I’m wrong.”

While his description of Owen was spot on, I was still a little lost with the hot and cold Gianni seemed to keep giving me. “You’re not wrong but I’m confused. I need it straight. Yesterday, it seemed like it was the end and then you came back, and now….” I trailed off.

He let out a deep sigh, running a hand down his face, regret lingering in his expression. “Rhys, we like you and we want more. It might be selfish butfuck.”

Dmitri squeezed my thigh, drawing my attention to him. “What Gia istryingto say is that the only reason he didn’t bring you around sooner is that our job entails a certain… edge to them.”

That was even more cryptic but then it clicked. “You’re not really repairmen, are you?”

Gianni forced a smile, “Oh, we are. Just notonlyrepairmen.” I fumbled around with that thought, wanting to be mad that Gianni hadn’t ever said anything. Then again, I think I had always known he was a bit dangerous and it was just one of the many reasons he had intrigued me. Gianni watched my expression as I came to terms with their confession before throwing me a wink and standing up. “Right, so, the kitchen’s a bit of a crusher.”

That’s one way to change the conversation…It was also Gianni’s way of giving me time to deal with it without both of them crowding my space.
