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TG: Let me talk to Lucas. Give me a bit.

Twenty minutes later, my phone vibrates.

TG: Tell me something good.

I frown not knowing what he means, and I start to ask him to explain but I see the bubbles indicating that he’s typing.

TG: Not sexual. Something good about you. Something that makes you happy.

I tap my chin, wondering what I should tell him when I think of the email my advisor sent me just a few days ago after I had already graduated.

Me: Pitt invited me to give a lecture next semester. I’m not going to teach a class or anything. It’s just a seminar on social media and the impact it has on businesses.

TG: That’s amazing, Avery. Wow. You’re incredible.

My heart skips a beat. I hadn’t told anyone yet, because I didn’t think it was a huge deal even though I’m freaking out about it. It makes me happy that he’s as excited for me as I am.

Me: I’m excited.

TG: You should be. I’m glad everyone sees how talented and special you are.

Me: *heart eye emoji*

Me: Your turn.

TG: At the moment, I can only think of one thing.

Me: Which is?

TG: You

I can’t stop the squeal from leaving me, and I press my fingers to my lips.

Me: The thought of seeing you again tonight makes me happy as well.

TG: Yes, how are you going to make that happen anyway?

Me: Just make sure you’re out of the house when we get home and I’ll fake a headache or something so Lucas won’t want to hang out and then I’ll come meet you.

TG: Alright. Looking forward to being alone with you. I don’t even mean just for sex. I just feel like I breathe easier around you.

I don’t reply right away because I don’t know what to say, and before I know it, minutes have gone by and I haven’t said anything. I’m trying to calm the rapid beat of my heart over his words.

TG: Shit. That was way too much. Ignore me. Probably shouldn’t have had that third whiskey.

Me: No! No. Sorry, I was trying to figure out what to say that wasn’t a thousand heart eye emojis.

TG: I’ll take your heart eyes.

Dinner was exactly what I expected. A lot of my parents gushing over how proud they are of me. All the stories about me as a child and how they knew I was destined for greatness and my uncles asking me to help guide my teenage cousins in the right direction. That’s the downside of being the oldest cousin; I have to help all the younger ones, eventhe ones that don’t want to be helped.

“Lucas, I think I’m going to call it a night,” I tell him as I point toward my house.

My parents decided to go do karaoke with my aunts and uncles leaving me with a very empty house that I would love to invite Theo over to. That is, if it weren’t for the guy in front of me who would find that extremely odd.

“You sure? You okay?” he asks, reaching out to touch my cheek.

“Yeah, I think just all the drinking we did today and having a glass of champagne when we toasted and then wine at dinner is all getting to me.
