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“Okay. Well, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Of course, hey!” I call out to him as he walks away. “We never talked about it but what did your dad have to say about you talking to Rae?”

“Oh…he says we need to give her some space and let her come to us at this point. Evidently, he talked to her also, and while she wasn’t as angry as she was with me, she was short with him and he didn’t like it. I don’t think their conversation ended particularly pleasant.”

“I think that’s best for now. Maybe the ring isn’t for months down the line.”

“I guess.” He shrugs and gives me a smile. “Catch you later, Summers.”

Moments later, when I’m in the house, I prop my phone up on the credenza in the foyer and FaceTime Theo. He answers instantly and the smile on his face takes my breath away.

“Hi, beautiful.”

“Hi.” I smile back at him.

“Where are you?”

“Foyer, my parents went to karaoke.” I giggle and he chuckles in response.

“You didn’t want to go with them?”

“No, I wanted to see you.”

“Did Lucas go home?”

“I think so. He always makes sure I’m in the house first.”

“As he should.” He presses his head back against the headrest and rubs his forehead. “I hate talking about him after what I’ve done. What we’re doing.”

“You didn’tdoanything. We…wantedthis,” I tell him.

“It’s not that simple and I hate the war I feel within myself when it comes to you. I can’t turn this feeling off, and I fucking need to.”

“Is it bad that I’m glad you can’t?”

He lets out what sounds like a sigh of defeat. “No.”

I smile and press my teeth into my bottom lip. “Where are you?”

“The business park on Wilshire.”

“I can’t walk there.” I frown, realizing that he’s a few miles away.

“Obviously.” He chuckles. “Just walk around the corner and I’ll pick you up.”

I twist my mouth as I mull over that idea. “What if someone sees us and realizes it’s us?”

“Do you have a better idea?”

“The elementary school?” I offer.

“That’s at least a seven-minute walk and it’s dark. No, Avery. Unless you’re going to risk taking your car. And wait I don’t think I want you doing that—how much did you have to drink?”

“Just a glass of wine and a glass of champagne.”

“And everything else you drank today. No driving, Avery.”

“I sobered up after brunch!”
