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“You sure she’ll like it? My daughter is very picky.”Picky and spoiled with expensive tastes.

“If she doesn’t like it, I’ll get her something different.” He shrugs as I reach for the box and open it. I keep my face impassive as I stare at the stunning ring that my daughter will definitely fucking love. It’s a nice-sized emerald-cut ring with diamonds around the band.

“She’ll like it,” I tell him as I shut the box, and the smug grin that crosses his face should irritate me but it actually makes me laugh.

“I know.”

“Well, you handled yourself well with Rebecca which is impressive. She can be tough to take sometimes.”

“I was thoroughly prepared,” he says. “I didn’t mean to overstep.”

“She’ll get over it.” I cross my arms over my chest and lean against the countertop. “I don’t want to talk about Rebecca. I want to talk about you and my daughter.” He nods and for the first time, I see a bit of nervousness cross his face. “There’s a significant age gap between you two.”


I narrow my eyes at him. “How old are you exactly?”


“At least you’re younger than me,” I grumble and I hate that in another life that didn’t involve him defiling my daughter, we could have been friends because he’s actually pretty likable.

I do, however, take some comfort that he has more gray hair than I do.

He leans forward over the counter and gives me what I think is a sincere look. “I know I’m significantly older than her, but I can assure you that I love her more than anything and will do everything I can to be the best husband I can be.”

I eye him warily because he’s saying all the right things but I am curious why he hasn’t been married before or why he’s not interested in a woman his age.

You want to go there?my subconscious adds.

“Any reason why you haven’t been married before?” I ask him, trying my best to not sound judgmental.

“I was engaged once. We broke it off.” He sighs. “I don’t know, I haven’t been interested in marriage.”

“Why now?”

“I met the right woman.”

“You understand my apprehension, right? An age gap of this size—” I start. “She’s impressionable—”

“I’m sorry, impressionable?” he interjects. “Are we talking about the same woman?” I’m a little bit irritated and impressed at his response. “I just mean…I can’t convince Raegan to do anything she doesn’t already want to do.” He lets out a breath and rubs his forehead. “I don’t know if you know anything about dating a much younger woman, but they have all the power.”

Avery’s face immediately flashes through my mind. “I can see that,” I tell him. I know I’m projecting a little and I find a feeling of jealousy shooting through me that Wes has it so easy. Nothing is standing in the way of him getting what he wants. No one who’d potentially be destroyed over him being with Raegan. In theory, his biggest obstacle is me and I’ve barely made him jump through a hoop.

Don’t make him jump through a hoop. Be nice!I can hear Avery’s voice clear as day.He loves her and she’s pregnant.

Right. Pregnant,I think.

“I assume I would know if you had kids. You don’t, right?”

“No, and I’m pretty excited about her being pregnant. I’ll be honest, I didn’t see myself having a baby at this stage of my life but I want to give Raegan whatever she wants. Another thing about getting involved with a girl in her twenties.” He gives me a look like he thinks I understand and I look away in case it’s written all over my face.

“Well, I’m happy for you both. Raegan is my first born and my only daughter, so I don’t think I need to tell you what she means to me.”

“You don’t.” He shakes his head.

“Well, as long as you treat her right, you and I will never have any issues.” He nods. “When are you planning to ask her?”
