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“Soon. She wants to get married before she starts showing so we are working with a small window.”

“Can you give her the wedding she wants in that time frame?”

“I’m going to try my best.” I don’t respond and he narrows his eyes slightly. “You know,” he starts and I already know I’m not going to like what he has to say, “Raegan worries about you.”

“What? Why?”

“She thinks her mom messed you up.”

I shake my head. “No. I’m fine.”

“She wants you to meet someone.” I swallow nervously wondering if this is a trap because surely Lucas told Raegan that I supposedly have a ‘girlfriend.’ “But the way you’re looking at me, it makes me think that Raegan may be left out of the loop.”

Alright, time for Sherlock Holmes to go.“Tell Raegan not to worry. I’m fine. I’m good. I’m happy.” I try to ignore the fact that Avery flashes through my mind the second the wordhappyleaves my mouth.

He nods, standing up. “Good. She’ll be glad to know that.” He shakes my hand and gives me another look like he knows all my secrets and I usher him towards the door before I unleash all of them on my daughter’s soon to be fiancé.

Iknock on the door of the hotel room, excitement coursing through me over spending the night with Theo again. We haven’t spent the night together since the night of my graduation party and while that was only a week ago, I feel like it’s been months. He’s right, the thought of being together without the worry of someone turning up unannounced at his house makes me breathe easier. He’d even booked a room further out of the city, over an hour away from where we lived so that we could go out to dinner and it would be less likely anyone would recognize us.

The door opens revealing Theo in nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist and I raise an eyebrow at him before pressing a hand to his chest and pushing him back into the room. “Are you trying to seduce me?”

He narrows his brown eyes curiously at me as he shuts the door. “You got here very quick. How fast were you driving?”

“My question first.”

“No,myquestion first. I was not expecting you already. I figured I’d be dressed by the time you got here. So again, how fast were you driving?”

“I was excited to see you.” I tell him as I grab his towel by the knot and pull it from him leaving him completely nude in front of me.This man is a fucking God.

“We have dinner reservations at seven,” he tells me and I’m vaguely aware that it’s just after six. I am not dressed for dinner but he’s also naked and hard and as far as I’m concerned that takes precedence.

“I’ll be quick,” I tell him with a devilish grin before sinking to my knees.

After dinner, which felt more like foreplay than anything, we decide to go to a bar nearby. We are far enough away from where we live that we can actually go out and we figured we should capitalize on the opportunity of not running into anyone. We are seated at the bar, sitting next to each other which is actually a shame because I have been openly ogling him all night and it’s harder at this angle. He always dresses well, somehow effortlessly stylish and appropriate for every occasion. The black polo shirt he’s wearing hugs his biceps so deliciously, every time he reaches for something and they flex, I feel a flutter between my legs. The gray pants looked custom-made with the way they were tailored to him and every time he gets up, I stare at his ass shamelessly.

I am truly no better than a man.

“What?” He narrows his eyes at me, catching me staring at him.

I shake my head and pick up the glass of wine I ordered. “You’re just…very nice to look at.”

What I’d really like to say is I want to lick every fucking inch of you.

The bar is dimly lit but I can still see the look on his face as he leans against the back of the barstool and preens.I giggle into my wine, starting to feel the drinks from dinner and the two I’ve had since we got here. “You are the most beautiful woman here.” He rubs a hand slowly down my arm and lets it land on my thigh. I try my best not to react by squeezing them together. “I’ve caught more than one man staring at you.”

“You sure they don’t recognize you and they’re just trying to place you?” I know Theo still gets recognized from time to time even if it’s not as often as he used to.

He sits up and leans forward, his face barely an inch from mine. “They are definitely not looking at me.” He leans closer, ghosting his lips against mine, and a sigh escapes my lips in response to the spark that shoots through me. My heart is racing by the time he pulls back and I turn my eyes to the glass in front of me draining the contents in one gulp becausefuck fuck fuck.

I absolutely cannot be falling for Theo.

It’s just the alcohol. And the great sex,I try to tell my brain and my heart that seem to begetting more confused by the second.

The feeling of my chair moving breaks my thoughts and I notice that Theo has dragged my stool closer to him so our thighs are almost touching.

“What are you thinking about?” He asks and I glance at him nervously, trying to calm my racing heart. “You seem nervous.” His voice is low and moves through my whole body causing a dull pulse between my legs. His cologne, sexy and masculine swirls around me, and combined with the low lighting of the bar and the light music playing, it’s the most carnal aphrodisiac.

Maybe I could just climb into his lap.

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