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“You were having dinner. Nothing out of the ordinary to me.” He turns back to the road assumedly looking for his car and I wonder if for the first time I’m the future father in law making him nervous.

“You can’t say anything to Raegan and I hate that I’m asking that of you but…”

“What’s there to tell?” He asks.

“Wes, I’m serious.”

He sighs. “Look, it’s not my business and I don’t want it to be my business. I don’t want to be forced to keep things from Raegan and I’m certainly not going to be the bearer ofthatnews.” He points towards the restaurant. “But if this blows up? Do not take me down with you. This never happened.” He lowers his face and looks at me over the top of his glasses. For a moment I feel like I’m being scolded. “I didn’t see anything. I don’t know anything.”

I let out a sigh of relief because I actually believe him. I don’t think Wes has any interest in telling his pregnant future wife who happens to be my daughter that her father is having an affair with a girl she grew up with. I hold out my hand. “Thank you, Wes. I appreciate it.” I nod, grateful that I don’t have some asshole future son-in-law that could have used this situation to his advantage. “Have a great night.” I turn back towards the restaurant when he speaks again.

“What I will say, however,” I turn to face him, already not liking where this is going.I knew that was too easy.“I’ve done the whole sneaking around with a younger woman that should have been off limits. You need to come clean before you get caught. Tell Lucas. I can help you with Raegan alittle bit, when the time comes, but tell your son. Because if you’re out at a public restaurant, that means it’s more than…” He gives me a look and holds his hands up. “Out in public in Philly no less! Come on. Even I took Rae to another state when we went out on dates.” He rolls his eyes.

“Mr. Beckham, your car.” One of the attendants gestures towards the black Maserati that pulls up and I eye it briefly in appreciation before turning back to him.

“I know what it’s like to fall in love with someone you shouldn’t,” he continues. “While our situations are different, they are similar in that we both had something to lose. There are no fraternization policies in place for a reason and I broke all of them and some that didn’t exist before that certainly do now.” He chuckles. “Get in front of it before you get caught. It’s much easier, I promise.”

“I don’t think—”

“Don’t even say you’re not in love with her.” He gives me a look. “It’s written all over your face.” He moves toward his car. “Hers too for that matter,” he calls over his shoulder and then gives me a wave before getting in his car.

And again, I’m annoyed at how much I fucking like him.

Theo still isn’t back from talking to Wes and I’m starting to get a little worried.Maybe it’s not going well? Maybe they’re arguing? What if he threatened to tell Raegan?

No, Wes is so sweet. He would never.

From the two times you met him?my subconscious sneers.

My thoughts are interrupted by a FaceTime call from Rory. It’s only eight-thirty so I’m sure she’s not drunk but I’m also surprised that she’s FaceTiming me. She moved to New York this week also, so I’m wondering if she’s calling to show me theDiorshowroom.In which case, just kill me now.I end the call and shoot her a text.

Me: At dinner, what’s up?

Rory: Ah! I’m at this party and I’m not supposed to have my phone but I wanted to show you these new shoes we are launching this fall that are to DIE for. Who are you at dinner with?

Me: Oh send a pic!

Rory: I will! Also, there are so many celebrities here, not going to lie. I’m starstruck as fuck. But dinner…? Guy?


Me: My mom

Rory: Oh tell Camille, hey girl hey!

Rory: By the way, I feel like something is going on with Lucas

Me: What makes you say that?

Rory: I don’t know, he’s just been weird ever since we got here. He’s been drinking a lot and sleeping with a lot of women.

Me: Well…that’s normal? He’s always drunk a lot.

Rory: More than usual! And he’s never been a manwhore.

Me: Okay…well, what can we do? He’s grown lol

Rory: I think he’s going through something.
