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She turns her head slightly to make sure no one is within earshot and I’m grateful my assistant isn’t at her desk. “I thought I could see you under the illusion of bringing food for your team.”

I grab the coffee and the food and pull her into my office. I start to close the door but I don’t know how that would look so I just turn around, leaving the door open and she frowns. “We shouldn’t,” I tell her as I set the food and coffee on my desk.

She pouts and tucks a dark strand behind her ear. “Fine, I should get back anyway.”

I lean against my desk and let out a sigh because after the conversation with Bryan, I could use a distraction. I pull her to stand between my legs and she gasps as she peeks over her shoulder before turning back to me. I trace my finger up her thigh slowly and run it over the hem of her skirt, wishing I could push it up to play with her cunt. “You said we shouldn’t.”

“I’m not good at listening to my own rules,” I tell her as I bring her so that she’s pressed directly against my dick.

“Theo.” She gasps when she feels how hard I am and I reach around her to give her ass a squeeze. I slide my hand around to her front and under her skirt and drag my fingers along the edge of her panties.

“Don’t start something you can’t finish,” she tells me as she runs her knuckles gently over my groin.

Fuck, I want to finish. More importantly, I wantherto finish. I want to close my door and let her ride my dick until she comes all over it but the sound of laughter just beyond my office door stops me from doing anything reckless. “You should go before I bend you over my desk without a care as to who’s here.” I stand up and gently move her back a few steps.

She smirks, before dropping her gaze to my dick and then back up with a smirk. “Okay, I’ll see you tonight? Meet you there at eight?”

I nod, hating that I can’t even drive her without that causing question. “I’ll be there.” She gives me a smile before reaching up on her toes to press a kiss to my lips that if I were anywhere else, I’d deepen. She pulls back after a second and bites her bottom lip before walking out of my office, leaving me hard, and thanks to the conversation with my older brother, like complete shit.

The call with my brother has me on edge for the rest of the day, his words sitting in the back of my mind like a pesky conscience I’ve been trying my best to ignore.

“Is everything okay?” Avery asks from across the table. She cocks her head to the side and leans forward to run her fingers over my hand and strokes it gently. “You’re so quiet tonight.”

I sigh and run a hand through my hair, knowing I should probably tell her what I’m thinking instead of keeping it from her. “I’m sorry, I just have something on my mind.” She nods at me as if to say,well out with it. “I told my brother.” She stops stroking my hand and slowly slides it off of me. I immediately hate the loss of her touch so I reach for her hand before it’s completely out of my reach. “Hey.” I lean forward and press my lips to her fingers. I don’t say anything else but I hope my eyes say it all.

I still want this.

“What did he say?” She asks and her voice is soft and quiet before she sinks her teeth into her bottom lip, assumedly nervous over what I’m going to say.

“What you’d expect.” I squeeze her hand. “He thinks this is a bad idea for reasons I’m sure you can guess.”

“Are you having second thoughts about…us?” She doesn’t have tears in her eyes but I can see the sadness written all over her face.

“I don’t think so,” I tell her honestly. “I spent a year trying to ignore what I was feeling for you and now that we’re here…” I trail off as I mindlessly trace her hand. “I don’t know how to just turn them off. I’m in too deep now.”

“Same.” She sighs and laces our fingers together. “Lucas and I have been friends for a long time and I think he wants me to be happy. It will be tough at first, but maybe he’ll eventually understand thatyoumake me happy.” She winces. “Or maybe I’m being really naive.”

I’m about to respond when I hear my name.


I knew we should have gone further out of the city.

“Hey, I thought I saw you,” the familiar voice of my daughter’s boyfriend breaks through our conversation. Dressed in a suit, with a smile on his face, Wes’ voice is calm and light and I try not to look at Avery because I know she’s freaking out and he hasn’t looked at her yet.

“Wes, hey…are you here with Raegan?”First and foremost.

“No, I had a meeting.” He turns toward the table behind him where two other men are seated. “I’m heading out though. Rae wants a very particular ice cream that is not in our freezer.” He chuckles before adjusting his glasses and turns his eyes toward Avery. “I’m sorry, forgive my rudeness, I’m—” He stops when he realizes who it is. “Avery?” Although he’s not facing me, I can tell he looks confused at first and then a flash of realization crosses his face.

“Wes!” She stands and gives him a polite hug like it’s the most normal thing in the world that the two of us would be out at a restaurant on what looks like a romantic date.

“Uh, hi!” He collects himself quickly even though I’m guessing he knows what’s going on and he turns his head back to me. “I will let you guys get back to your dinner. It was great seeing you both.” He clears his throat, clearly uncomfortable. “Avery, you look lovely. Nice to see you again.” He nods at me. “Theo.” And then he’s gone moving towards the exit.

Avery is staring at me with a panicked expression and I nod. “Relax, baby. I’ll handle it,” I tell her before I’m out of my chair and moving in the direction that Wes went. I’m grateful he didn’t go back to his table which would force me to engage in a bunch of football related pleasantries. I find him just outside the restaurant waiting for his car. “Wes.”

He turns to look at me and then back to the restaurant. “I—It’s none of my business,” he says as he holds his hands up.

“What you saw in there…”
