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“Correct me if I’m wrong,” Lucas points towards them as they walk away, “but aren’t you not supposed to wear white to any wedding-like functions unless you’re the bride?”

Avery’s lips form a straight line and Camille lets out a sigh before turning to Avery. “I would never.”

“I know.” Avery nods and our eyes meet briefly before I look away.

I hate that I’m standing with Avery’s mother and my son, and I can’t just touch her for five seconds or even look at her for too long.

I nod at them both before following Lucas towards the photographer when I feel a vibration in my pocket. I reach for it and I’m surprised to see the name on the screen. I discreetly turn around to see Avery with her phone in her hand. A small smile finds her face before she looks back down.

Heart Eyes: Breathe please, baby. You look so annoyed. Don’t let her get to you. This is a happy time!

Me: I know. I somehow forgot how much she gets under my skin.

Heart Eyes: If you’re a good sport for the rest of the night and don’t get into it with her, I’ll come to your room later. *kissy face emoji*

I’m typing out a reply that she definitely has herself a deal when I hear Rebecca’s voice, “Honestly Theo.” I look up just as I make it to where the three of them are standing and see the disapproving look she’s giving me.

“I know you’re not talking,” I snap back at her as I close my phone and slide it into my pocket. It israrethat she doesn’t have her phone in her hand.

“Give him a break,” Lucas says as he slaps my back. “He’s probably talking to his new lady friend.” He raises his eyebrows up and down and I know he’s just trying to irritate his mother on my behalf but this is absolutely not where or how I wanted Raegan to learn this news.

“Lady friend? Dad!” Raegan turns towards me with an excited grin. “What!? How is this the first I’m hearing of it? Where is she? Why didn’t she come? Why didn’t you invite her?”

“Smile!” I hear from in front of us and Raegan turns towards the photographer.

“One second, please!” she says before turning back towards me with the biggest smile. I remember Wes’ comment about how she’s worried about me so I’m not surprised she’s excited for any potential love interest. “Dad, how are you telling Lucas things and not me!” She stomps her foot and I roll my eyes.

“Your brother is nosy, I haven’ttoldhim anything,” I correct before shooting a glare at him.

“But there is a lady,” he says as he wraps an arm around my shoulder. “They had a sleepover and everything while I was home,” he says to Raegan like I’m not standing right next to him.For the love of God, Lucas.

Her blue eyes snap from mine to his. “You’ve met her!?”

“Nah, he slept at her house.”

“Hello, can we talk about this later?” Rebecca says as she picks at her nail beds, her tone bored and annoyed, and I’ll admit I’m glad, at least it succeeded in irritating her.

We take a series of pictures over the next few minutes and Raegan turns to me as soon as we’re finished. Wes also joined the last few so he’s standing next to her trying not to react to anything.

“You absolutely should have invited her! What’s her name?”

“Can we not do this now?” I ask her, suddenly very nervous even though there’s no way in a million years that Raegan would ever conclude that Avery is the woman in question.

“He’s so secretive about it. Like we’re kids.” Lucas rolls his eyes before taking a sip of his beer.

“I’m totally asking Avery if she’s seen her,” she says before fleeing the circle and as much as I want to go after her, I turn my annoyed gaze to Lucas.


“What? I don’t see why it’s such a big deal that you’re seeing someone. You do know that Raegan and I are actually not kids anymore and we just want you to be happy.” He laughs and I cast a glance toward Raegan and Avery. I’m not surprised to meet her eyes for a second before she turns back to my daughter. Avery laughs and shakes her head and while I know Avery can handle it, I wish I knew what they were saying. I decide against following Lucas when my phone starts to ring. I see it’s my brother so I step out of the room to answer it.

“Hey, are you here yet?”

“Just landed. I could not fucking tell you why my flight was delayed. This is why I need my own jet.”

“For what? You don’t leave Arizona.”

“Well, when I do, I do not want to worry about this fuckery. I should be there in thirty minutes or so. I just want to shower and change.”
