Page 100 of Zirkov

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“How did Sutherland fit into your plans?” Zirkov demanded.

“It’s hard keeping our lower arms hidden in the warmer months. We needed a human who could move about freely, not stand out. Sutherland collected the information and passed it on to me.” After several pained breaths, Var’Len added, “We can reach a deal, Commander. Release me, and I’ll leave Earth to you.”

Zirkov rose, pulling Var’Len up with him by the claws still embedded in his flesh.

“You should be dead. She shot you,” Var’Len spat as he bit down from the pain.

“That female you’ve been using is smarter than you realize.” Zirkov pointed to the bulletproof vest beneath his shirt.

“You took a risk that she wouldn’t shoot you in the head.”

“A risk I was prepared for.”

A smile crept onto Var’Len’s face. “You care about her. Let me go or she dies.”

“You’re not in the position to threaten her.”

“You don’t know how Sartog’s Sin will affect her, or how long you have before it kills her.”

Zirkov slammed Var’Len against a tractor. “You said she’d be fine in time.”

The og’dal grinned as wide as possible. “I lied. And wasted time talking. How long do you have to reach her, Commander? That’s right, you don’t know.”

“I’ll find her,” Zirkov roared.

“Even if you do, you won’t know how to save her. She’ll die unless she fulfills the last commands I gave her.”

Zirkov yanked his claws free, raised his hand to slice along Var’Len’s neck and end him.

Konnitch caught his hand. “We may still need him.”

Stenikov yanked the og’dal’s arms behind him and slapped a set of mag-cuffs on him.

“As much as I hate to order this, Stenikov…” Zirkov said as he wiped his bloody claws on Var’Len. “…keep him alive.” Zirkov ripped off the bulletproof vest as he turned to Konnitch. “Status?”

“We have a group of five og’dals in custody,” Konnitch reported.

“We need to find Maggie.”

“If it is Sartog’s Sin, then we don’t have much time,” the keenta warned.

Zirkov had heard of the drug, but never encountered it. “Tell me everything you know.”

“A person under the influence of Sartog’s Sin becomes highly irrational if they can’t complete their mission. The brain fixates on the last command. They hallucinate and can’t process logic or even a new command unless given by the person who administered the drug. That’s why we need him alive, to overwrite the command with another, even a simple one. Until he does, she’ll be a danger to herself and everyone around her.”

“How long until the drug wears off?”

“No idea. Everyone who takes it ends up dead.”

“The drekker ordered her to kill me. She shot me and must have thought she killed me because she ran. She’ll be okay then. She followed the command.”

Var’Len laughed. “Are you sure that was the only command? I gave her the drug several days ago, on the roof of her apartment building. I spent a long time with her. Almost as much time as you, though not in bed. Hmm, maybe that will be tonight’s activity. But that won’t be possible if she’s dead.”

When Zirkov charged over to him with his blaster raised, Stenikov inserted himself between the males. “Commander, we need him. I’ll work on him, get him to agree to remove the last command, if you can find her.”

“Yes,Commander,” Var’Len mocked. “You need me to counter the commands. Don’t threaten me either, or I’ll give her another order you’ll regret.” Dark eyes narrowed. “Unless I’m on my ship when you bring her to me, I’ll order her to kill herself. Take me to my ship, then I’ll remove the commands… if you find her in time.”

Zirkov had to shove every feeling aside and think strategically, like the commander he was. “The tracker.”
