Page 84 of Zirkov

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“Keep calling me Magdalena and you’ll find out how difficult I can be.” She circled the bumps, faster than before, mesmerized by how quickly his face relaxed.

His eyes snapped open like he suddenly remembered they were standing in the middle of a street. After a cursory look around, checking for danger no doubt, he focused on her.

“I like the name Magdalena. It’s smart, sophisticated, complicated… like you.”

“Ooh, Z, you’re being extra sweet today. Is this because I just killed an og’dal and you’re dying to ask me questions but you think you have to butter me up first?”

He stopped. “You will tell me everything.”

“You’re very confident. Arrogantly so. Unless you have a way to make me talk.” She ran her tongue over her lower lip, not sure what had gotten into her except she was tired of hiding her feelings for him.

“Even a warrior has limits, Magdalena. Do not push me further.”

“But you’re no longer a warrior, are you?”

With one hand, she circled the nodes at the base of a horn, trying to destroy his resolve.

“Do you want me to fuck you right here?”

“No public sex, Commander. One of your rules, not mine.”

He pulled her through the open doorway of a bombed-out building that had no roof and only two walls, one facing the street and an alley. She found herself pinned against the wall, his hand cushioning the back of her head.

“You are tempting me again, Magdalena.”

“No, I was flirting with you. This is tempting you.” Maggie slammed her mouth to his. Almost instantly, his tongue twined with hers, then slowly took over, dominating as his other hand trailed down her side and under her shirt…



Zirkov let his guard down around Maggie, and she kissed him after stimulating the pleasure nodes on his horns. His warrior training demanded he pull away, as she was under his protection, but he couldn’t stop touching her.

His horns slid back and away from her while his tongue danced with hers, determined to control her, to capture and make her his. Both cocks raged against his pants. Even as he slid his hand free from cushioning the back of her head, her hands moved to his pants, unlatching the buckle, pushing them down, and freeing him.

His hips pressed forward against hers, blocked by those cursed jeans humans loved so much. He needed to be inside her. Now. But undressing her…

With a mere flex of his wrists, the claws behind his knuckles extended. Carefully, he sliced down and across her jeans, leaving nothing but cuffs along the tops of her boots.

“What the fuck?” she said as she broke the kiss in time to see the shredded fabric landing beside her.

He cut her panties away next and dropped to his knees. When he plastered his mouth to her pussy, she moaned.

“That’s… fuck, that’s good. What are you doing, Z?”

“Making you come with my mouth, female.”

He’d waited too long to taste her again, to run his mouth through her slick folds and drink her in.

“Oh my god, that’s good,” she said as she gripped his shoulders for balance.

It didn’t take him long to find her pleasure nub and draw it into his mouth. Once his claws receded, he parted her ass. Her hands moved to the base of his horns and she dug her fingers in, pressing on the pleasure nodes while thrusting her pussy against his face.

No more words filled the open air. Only the distant squeal of a bus’s brakes and the lovely sound of his female moaning.

“Fuck me, Z. Please. I can’t take this any longer.”

He lifted his eyes to see his half-dressed female looking at him longingly. This was the Maggie he’d never seen that night. The one with more than lust in her eyes.
