Page 88 of Zirkov

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She lifted her head at last, leaving him breathless as she broke the connection. “I need to shower before we leave.”


She wiggled her way off the bed.

Did she say, ‘beforeweleave’? Drekk, this female held a spell over him, making it easy to give in to whatever she said. He had to remember the danger of her situation.

“You’re staying here, Magdalena.”

She halted halfway to the bathroom. “Don’t pull rank on me again. You have no say over me, from a work or personal standpoint. You just admitted I mean nothing to you.”

His horns twisted at the bite of her words, stunned that she’d believe that. And yet he had to let her believe it. “I can still care about you as I would any other DAA agent. I’m charged with protecting GI7’s allies as well as our witnesses.”

She stepped up to him, close enough to kiss, but the hard look on her face made him wonder if she would punch him. “Listen to me and what I’m about to say,ally. The second you walk out that door without me, I’ll be on your tail.”

“I don’t have a tail. You’re thinking of Sinnadians.”

“You know what I mean.”

He did, but he was at a loss for how to get her to stay at his house, short of tying her up. He’d never leave her vulnerable like that. “I could have Stenikov guard you.”

“Do you want me to humiliate him by slipping out while he’s guarding me?”

She’d do it. And then he’d have to discipline not only her for putting herself at risk—again—but Stenikov for failing to keep her here.

“I’m not a prisoner. And you said we’re stronger together. Prove it, lover boy.”

He scrubbed his face. “This fondness for titles that do not belong to me must end. Call me Marshal, Commander, Zirkov, or even Kesk.”

With her hips swaying enticingly, she sauntered back to him. The sheet dipped at the side, making it exceedingly hard to keep his eyes on her face alone. She poked him in the chest with a single finger. Hard.

“You’re trying to annoy me, female.”

“Is it working?”

Surprisingly, this time it wasn’t. It made him want to throw her down on his bed and claim her all over again.

“You’re the one who is always stressing protocols and citing how important they are. That I don’t follow the rules. Should I quote some of the DAA’s rules to you, Magdalena? You put yourself in danger when you left here by yourself and now you’re threatening to do so again.”

“Every time we go out there, we’re at risk. Any one of us could get killed. But I’m not one of your witnesses, Z. I have the training and experience. I’m an asset to you, and you know it.”

She was, but the idea of her getting hurt, or worse, scared the drekk out of him.

She put her palm on his chest. “I told you I’d follow your lead. Trust me, Z. Please.”

This wasn’t about trust. It never had been. He couldn’t imagine never seeing her again.

“You’re not fully healed. Your memory is still faulty.”

“I remember everything since the doctors removed the neurosphere.”

“Except why you were on the roof.”

“There was a fresh rose in my apartment. That didn’t make sense to me. That’s what drew me back there. I went to speak with Bruce, my neighbor, but he wasn’t home.”

“Konnitch and I found him in his apartment. Dead.”

Her face paled. “He didn’t answer when I knocked. I assumed he wasn’t there. How did you get in?”
