Page 34 of Heartless

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Racquel started on all her doctor things, checking Lila's pulse and pupils. "Any idea how long she was like this?"

"We found her five minutes ago," Parker said. He moved to the other side of the bed. His arms were empty, his shirt gone from over his face. "No idea before that. Although, she usually goes to sleep around midnight."

Racquel glanced at the clock on the wall. "It's almost 3 AM. Potentially three hours. Probably less. If it was that long, it's unlikely she'd still be alive."

Fury burned a path through my body. If we hadn't snuck in, she'd be dead. Murdered by whoever left that fucking teddy bear.

When I found who did this, they'd regret the day their parents were born, nevermind themselves. Their death was going to be slow and very, very painful. I might play with them for a couple of weeks first. Make them beg to die.

"You both need to step back and give us room," Racquel barked. She ordered the nurse to bring over an oxygen mask and tank. In moments, the mask was over Lila's face, pumping the precious substance into her.

I stood back beside Parker. If they thought that would make us leave, they'd need to think again. We weren't leaving her side.

Parker pulled out his phone and sent off a text. "Slade," was all he said.

I nodded vaguely. All I cared about right now was Lila.

A man slipped into the room and said something to Racquel before slipping back out. Something about chlorine and level two nerve agent.

Racquel grabbed a needle of something and tapped at it to get out the bubbles. She inserted it into a vein in Lila's arm and pressed the plunger.

"The next hour or two will be critical," she said, addressing everyone present. "Much longer and it would have been too late, but I'm confident she should make a full recovery."

"She better," Parker growled.

Racquel looked at him, unflinchingly. "It depends on her and how strong she is. She's young and fit, she should be fine. I can't guarantee there won't be long term side effects. The best you can do right now is focus on her recovery." She turned back to Lila, quickly assessing her progress.

I put my arm around Parker. “Lila is a badass bitch. She's too stubborn to be taken out by a fucking teddy bear."

"This was Chloe, wasn't it?" Parker gritted his teeth together, barely containing his anger. "We knew she'd do something, and she has. I'm going to rip her fucking face off. And that prick, Dane, while I'm at it. This was probably his idea. Motherfucking son of a whore’s bitch."

Slade came barrelling into the room. He skidded to a stop right before he ran into us. He took one look at Lila and his face turned red. We didn't need to exchange words. We were all thinking the same thing. By the time we were done, there was going to be nothing left of any of Lila's enemies.

"This is fucked up." Parker didn't take his eyes off our queen. "If she dies—"

"She's not going to die," Slade said. "She has too much unfinished business to take care of. Too much life left to live."

But Lila looked so pale and helpless laying there, mask over her mouth and nose. Her eyelids twitched once in a while, and her chest rose and fell. If it wasn't for those and the machine monitoring her vitals, I would have thought she was dead.

Chloe won.

If she did, the bitch wouldn't win for long. Samuel Bell would lose both of his daughters. I didn't care that it would start a war between him and my family. Fuck the consequences. Chloe was going to pay for this.

"Has anyone informed her sister?" Racquel asked. "Or the rest of her family?"

"We are her family," Parker snapped. "We're the only family she needs."

"That may be so," Racquel said slowly, "but I'm obligated to inform her biological family."

"We'll tell them," I said. "They should know. Leave it to us."

Racquel nodded and ducked out of the room.

Parker glanced at me. "What the hell? Chloe doesn't deserve—"

I interrupted him. "Look at Lila. She's alive. Don't you want to see the expression on Chloe's face when she finds out she failed? When she realises we know she's behind this and that we're going to come after her for it?"

His mouth turned up in a slow, humourless smile. "Yeah, I do want to see that. Slade?"
