Page 35 of Heartless

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"I'll stay here with Lila." He pulled a chair over to the bed and sat before taking Lila's hand in his.

"We won't be long." I gave her a long look. For the first time, I seriously considered suggesting Lila concede the role of head of the family. Let Chloe have it. Then, when the time was right, we'd destroy everything Samuel Bell built and bring Chloe to her knees. Was it worth putting Lila at risk anymore? If Chloe did this, then hell only knows what else she might pull.

Fucking with her birth control was one thing, but this was war. One I was determined to win, no matter how dirty we had to play to win it. If she really thought screwing with us was a good idea, she was wrong.

So, so fucking wrong.



I woke to the sound of whooshing and soft beeping. Something was on my face. I moved my head from side to side slowly, but couldn't dislodge it. Panic started to rise. The beeping increased in speed.

What the absolute fuck?

"Hey, Lila. It's okay. Calm down. It's just an oxygen mask."

Who was that? My sleepy mind took a while to register who it was. Slade.

Oxygen mask? What the hell?

I opened my eyes a crack, closed them again immediately. The glare was too much.

"Lila, I need you to open your eyes," a female voice said. "I need to look at your pupils."

"Do what the doctor says," Slade ordered. "Open your eyes."

I tried to tell him to fuck off, but the mask and my sluggish brain wouldn't let the words come.

I opened my eyes again and winced at the glare of a torch shining into them.

I wanted to tell the doctor to fuck off too.

"Good. You're doing well. Let the oxygen breathe for you for a while longer. We should be able to take the mask off soon." She turned the torch off and the room went darker.

"Is she going to be okay?" That was Parker's voice. He sounded worried, tense. People should get out of his and Hunter's way when they were like that. Someone was likely to die if they looked at them wrong. Why was he worried though? What happened?

"It's too early to tell, but the signs are positive," the doctor said.

"She'll be all right," Hunter snapped. His face appeared above me. He looked tired. His eyes were red. "Right, babe?"

All I could do was look back at him and make a sound in the back of my throat. I regretted that immediately. My throat was dry, like someone had run sandpaper up and down the inside of it.

"Let her get some rest," the doctor said. "I'll be back in an hour. Hopefully she won't need the oxygen then and we can see if she's up to eating. The rest of you should get some breakfast."

Breakfast? How long was I asleep? Fuck, I had an exam this morning. What time was it anyway?

The beeping increased speed again.

"It's okay, babe." Hunter took my hand. "Don't worry about anything except getting better. Relax. We’ve got you, I promise."

I forced myself to relax, if only because the doctor might sedate me if I didn't. I hated the idea of being given drugs because I couldn't control myself properly. That wasn't me. I was Lila Bell. I was the one in full control.


The beeping slowed.

"Funny story," Hunter said. "I went and told Chloe you were still alive. She tried to pretend she had no idea what was going on, but I knew she was full of shit. She definitely knew who put that teddy bear in your room."
