Page 40 of Rogue Villain

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As his eyes twinkle with dark mischief, my lips twitch despite the twinge in my damn foot. He nods as I reach between us to knot his tie slowly. I can feel his eyes on me the entire time until I finish, smoothing my palm down along his chest before I step back.

I meet his rakish gaze and smile sweetly. “Anything you can do, I can do better,Mr. Burton.”

His smoldering eyes flare as we square off against one another. Neither of us willing to give an inch, both intent on winning this absurd game.

He prowls closer, and his large palm encircles my upper arm. My skin lights up beneath his touch, my heart slamming against my chest as he leans down until his mouth is by my ear.

His whisper ghosts across my skin, goosebumps rising in its wake.

“Your ass must get jealous of all the shit your mouth spews, little bird.”

Pressing my palms against his broad chest, I push him back, my skin alternately tingling from the proximity and bristling from the insult. Our gazes hold for a long beat before I narrow my eyes.

My words are a whisper and a prayer. “Screw you.”

His eyes darken as he smirks. “You fucking wish.”

He steps back, smiling widely enough to display those divine dimples; God help me. I shakily move past him, making for the sanctuary of my room as his deep laughter chases me all the way there.

* * *

I step onto the elevator, grinning when I catch sight of myself in the full-length mirror opposite me.

My hair cascades down my back in large, bouncing curls that swish as I move. The charcoal color on my lids makes my eyes appear brighter than usual, and my matte pink lips curve upward as I take in the fruits of my labor.

My legs look impossibly long, courtesy of the black Jimmy Choos I’d unearthed from the studio.

Elodie had been less than impressed on our video call and had deemed the contents of the studio too tame for her liking. But this ruched black dress hugs my curves like it was made for me, the material stopping just beneath the curve of my ass.

I tug it down self-consciously, silently cursing her for sending it to me earlier this afternoon, yet thrilled with the outcome just the same.

My brow furrows, remembering my interaction with Vaughn this morning and how he’d not been back to the living quarters like he usually would in order to change into his evening attire.

I don’t know if I’m nervous that he didn’t return or that he might catch me breaking one of his rules, but my stomach dips as the elevator doors open to reveal a smiling Lucia. She’s dressed from head to toe in red, flaming hair slicked back in a low pony.

“You look gorgeous.”

“You do too, Wren. Now, come on.” She smiles when she links her arm with mine, leading me away from the main floor. “Your friends are waiting out here.”

Lucia had explained that we’d need to enterRaptureusing the staff quarters, and so my friends had been admitted through a secret staff entry, far removed from the heaving main doors.

She scans her hand when we come to a large black door, and I follow behind her, stepping into a darkened courtyard where I spot my friends.

Lucia bustles past them as they turn wide eyes to me.

“Wow, Wren! You look…”

Levi’s mouth hangs open ever so slightly, and I can feel a blush stain my cheeks as Matt finishes for our suddenly speechless friend. “You look stunning, Wren.”

He winks with a smirk that makes me laugh before Elodie grips my hand, tugging me to her side as we briskly follow Lucia. “I told you that, with a body like yours, the black dress was the clear winner.”

She arches a brow pointedly. “And if our friends are dumbstruck by how hot you look tonight,imaginewhat the real men inside here will think.”

Levi throws a playful arm over her shoulder. “You saying I’m not a real man, Rivers?”

She ducks out from beneath his arm with a grin. “You are a Ken doll, Levi James. Pretty to look at, but low functioning at best.”

He snorts a laugh as Lucia pulls us up short in front of a double door. “Stay behind me. Don’t stray. Don’t draw attention. Vaughn isn’t here currently, but that’s not to say he won’t discover this little deception if you make a scene. Are we on the same page?”
