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Her plans for tomorrow included joining one of the mid-morning get-to-know-the-resort tours of the grounds. While most guests tended to avoid them, Vivian had always found them to be a great way to get her bearings. And to snap off loads of pictures.

If Lionel wants pics, he shall have them.

Later she would indulge in a few hours lazing beside one of the sparkling pools while soaking up the sun. During that time, she would take the opportunity to compose the opening sentences of her article. A well balanced review took creative time.

Hopefully the staff at the pool knew how to make better cocktails than the bartender in the Sunview bar. If they did, then one or two icy Laguna Beach Sunset cocktails would be downed in order to aid Vivian’s muse.

By midafternoon she would be ready to head back to her room, to knuckle down and write the first draft of her resort review. That would give her time to enjoy the resort over the next day or two, add some sparkle and polish to the final article, before emailing it to Lionel before she stepped onto the plane bound for home on Friday.

But all of that was for tomorrow.What about tonight?Vivian considered her next move for the evening. Bar, bed, or beach?

Her hand settled over her belly. Pasta and dessert had filled every corner of her stomach, leaving her feeling more than a little uncomfortable.

I need to haul my lazy ass down to the beach. A good walk and some fresh air, and then I might find it a bit easier to sleep.

She signed for her room charge, adding a generous tip. The friendly and efficient restaurant staff seemed to have the hang of things. Why the rest of the resort services seemed to run so hot and cold in their delivery was still beyond her understanding.

After making her way out of the restaurant and past the pool, Vivian started down the short set of steps which led to the beach path. There were a few other guests making their way toward the small beach cove which could only be accessed through the private resort grounds.

The evening sun was just dipping into the ocean, leaving a sky of gold and red, as Vivian stepped onto the sand. She stopped and took off her sandals, holding them by the ankle strap as she walked along the beach.

Look at that view. Stunning. Gorgeous.Vivian was New York born and bred, but few things could compare to a Californian sunset. With the sand between her toes and the warm Pacific night air, the stress and worry of the past few months drifted away with the tide. It had been a long day, but she had won some significant victories.

I’ve blocked Pete’s number. That’s a big step. I should be proud of myself.

Vivian smiled recalling Grace’s response to the news that her housemate would no longer be accepting calls from her ex.

“Never again will I let a man dictate my sense of self-worth,” she muttered.

The next man whom she let into her life would be someone who made it his business to value her. She would make it clear; the first time he tried to lie to her, they would be history. Once burned, now twice shy.

And it didn’t matter how good any man was in bed, her credit card would remain securely under lock and key. Holding down a decent job and being able to pay his own way was going straight to the top of her ‘must have’ list.

Standing facing the ocean, Vivian pulled back her shoulders and proudly whispered to the waves. “Let it be known from here and across all the seven seas, I am officially declaring tomorrow as being Day One of my post-Pete life.”

When she got back to New York, she and Grace would hold a wine-fueled parade around the living room of their apartment. Spike would be appointed grand marshal. She grinned at the thought. Her heart was already feeling lighter for having made the decision to move on. Her overstretched credit card balance would follow in time.

The thought of money had Vivian’s mind drifting to the expensive dating app. The one designed for millionaires to find love. Somewhere among the future titans of New York there had to be a decent guy.

I might as well use the subscription. I’ve paid for it.

When she found a spare minute, she would download the app and log in. Knowing Pete, he would have set up some stupid details in her profile, such as her having an extensive collection of other people’s toe nail clippings. As soon as she was logged in, she would change her password to one that no one would be able to guess, along with two-factor authentication.

She was determined to wrestle back control of her life and set it on an even course. “I am in control of my destiny once more. The next man who wants my heart had better make sure he deserves it.”

* * *

Bryce was half way to the poolside gym when he caught sight of the sun heading down the sky. Sunsets in London, where he was usually based were nothing compared to the glow which sat over the Pacific coast.

“Wow. That’s amazing.”

A gaggle of other guests was making its way along the beach path, the sand no doubt the best place to enjoy the evening spectacle.

Bryce went to continue on his way to the gym, but his feet slowed once more. He was far from a gym junkie. As far as he was concerned, working out was a necessary evil. A six pack wasn’t one of his life’s goals. He could confess to wanting to look good in his suits, and what a healthy body could do to attract the female eye, but he would never be one of those men who worked out to reach the adrenaline high.

Forget the gym, I need the sand and the sunset.

Quickly toeing off his sneakers, and slipping out of his sports socks, Bryce headed toward the nearby beach steps.
