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From the main resort a long, well-sealed, wide path ran down to the shore. From the way it had been built, it was clear the design had taken into account guests with prams and strollers, and those in need of supported access.

As he drew closer, Bryce spotted the special matting which had been installed on the beach. The matting connected to the path and allowed guests with wheelchairs or mobility aids to reach the water. Royal Resorts prided itself in having a global design team who worked hard to ensure that all guests were able to access and enjoy facilities.

At the end of the path Bryce stopped and took in the view. He hadn’t been out to the site before, but he had seen plenty of photos. This was a prime location, one which Edward had privately coveted for a number of years.

“Giving this resort to Jordan is a great idea. I think he is ready to handle the job of bringing a project to life. He can do this. I believe in him.”

His own words of some two years prior now came back to haunt him. He was still at a loss as to where things had gone wrong. Yes, Jordan had been a bit of a wild child. Things had only come to an end when their franticly worried mother had admitted her middle son to a private rehab center in Pennsylvania. As far as Bryce knew, Jordan was still clean and sober these past five years.

Oh, god what if he has relapsed. Or if he’s got into something that won’t show up on his regular drug tests. No. No. He wouldn’t. He wouldn’t risk losing it all.

Bryce caught his negative thoughts before he spiraled down into them, but it took a great deal of effort to push them away. His therapist had called it catastrophizing. Seeing something and imagining the worst of outcomes. The problem was not only recognizing when he was doing it, but having the patience to be kind with himself as he steered his thoughts to a calmer place.

Pick up the puppy and move it gently away. If it comes back, you keep doing the same thing. Gentle reinforcing of positive behavior. When you get back to New York, talk to Jordan. Face to face.

He was still busy with his self-talk as his bare feet touched the sand. He was tired. Frustrated.

And exceedingly lonely.

No amount of pep talks, or therapy, could alter the fact that his bed was empty at night. It had been for a long time. To someone looking in on his life, traveling the world First Class might appear glamorous, the truth however was a horrendous amount of work hours, with little time for himself. Or for social opportunities where he might seek to find a life partner.

The memory of the baby millionaire and his girlfriend wrapped in each other’s arms at the airport popped into Bryce’s mind. As he pushed the unwelcome thought away, his gaze settled on the silhouette of a young woman, framed by the fading light.

She was standing on the water’s edge, doing exactly what Bryce had planned to do. Dipping her toes in the bubbling surf, but not getting anything else wet. She had a pair of sandals in her hands.

“You and I look like twins,” he said, glancing down at his sneakers which dangled from his left hand.

She turned, took in his shoes, and gently laughed. “We do. I hadn’t planned to come down here, but the colors of this sunset are just out of this world. I had to come and see.”

Bryce recognized her. It was the woman he had seen on his way into the bar. Her long light brown hair once more caught his eye.

He saw an opening. “You and I passed one another in the Sunview Bar earlier this afternoon. I couldn’t help but notice you didn’t finish your cocktail. Not to your liking?”

She shook her head. “It was more ice than cocktail unfortunately. I had a long wait to check into my hotel room, and they gave me a drink voucher, so I shouldn’t complain.”

Bryce winced in sympathy. What was the point of handing out a complimentary voucher if it only served to lessen the guest experience. “I haven’t eaten yet. I don’t suppose you’ve had the chance to try the main resort restaurant, have you?”

“Actually I did have dinner there. I was going to order room service but changed my mind. I flew in this afternoon, and after spending the better part of the day on a stuffy plane, I felt the need to get out and find some fresh air.”

He caught the distinctive note of a New York accent in her voice. His first instinct was to ask where she was from and add in his own provenance, but he bit his tongue.

Don’t. You’re meant to be undercover. Let her think you are just another guest.

Seeing the resort through a guest’s eyes and getting an unguarded review of things was gold to any good hotelier. Experiencing things for himself was one thing, but it would always come through the filter of who he was and his company background. Once a resort manager, always a resort manager.

“What did you have from the menu? Can you recommend something for me?”

Her gaze drifted slowly over his gym gear. The hint of an appreciative smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. She was liking what she saw.

Bryce took a step closer.


Mister designer suit hottie from the bar was standing a few feet away casually asking her about food. For a minute she was too busy taking in his solid thighs and muscular arms to answer. It took every ounce of Vivian’s self-restraint not to lick her lips when her gaze drifted slowly over his package.

Thank you, gods of Lycra.

She released a tight breath. If someone were to ask if she had a favorite build in a male, he was standing right in front of her. Decent muscles, not overly built. This was a man who took care of his body, but didn’t worship at the altar of high reps.
