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Food. He was asking about the food.

“I had the crab pasta and that was nice. The dessert was good.”

That was the second time she had used the word nice to describe the food. Perhaps they were going with a safe menu while they bedded the resort down, and when it officially launched in another month or so, they would announce their star studded food and beverage offerings.

For their sake, she hoped they did. If not, the Royal Resorts Laguna Beach was going to be no different to any of the other beachside hotels in this part of the country. And with the caliber of their nearby competition, they would soon be crushed.

Mister Hottie moved another step closer. “So would you recommend the restaurant?”

Normally when a man did this Vivian’s sense of danger rose a notch or two, but not with him. Something about this stranger spoke of a good heart. Protector. Loyal.

Stop it. I can’t trust my instincts. I thought Pete was a good guy, too.

Vivian shook her head. Fatigue must be making her mind fuzzy. It had been an extra-long day beginning with an early start and a fussy cat. Bed was what she needed.

Her touch starved body whispered its desires. Man. Bed.

I have got to get laid soon or I shall go mad.

She had a thousand dollar subscription to a millionaire dating app. There had to be one or two lonely millionaires in New York City, ones who might be willing to overlook the fact that she had a low paying job and only managed to live on the Upper East Side due to the charity of her trust fund best friend.

“I take that as a no.”

Vivian blinked hard, back to the now. She had been staring at this poor guy who was trying to ask about the resort food, and she had been away dancing with the fairies, her thoughts on silk sheets and hot nights with rich men.

“Sorry. I’m just tired. The food was nice, but to be honest, I’ve half-forgotten it already. I do plan to linger over the breakfast offerings at the Beachside Café in the morning and see if they have anything more appealing.”

“That sounds like a good way to start the day. I might come down and see what the café has to offer in the way of coffee. I’m sorry to have disturbed your evening. I hope you get a good night’s rest.”

She turned to face the water just as the sun dipped below the horizon. A red fireball lit the sea.

The stranger whispered, “Absolutely magnificent. It was worth coming a long way just to see that sunset. My day is complete.”

Vivian’s heart stirred, and she found herself suddenly close to tears. When she turned back, he had moved and was making his way along the beach toward the path. She’d lost the chance to make any further small talk.

Come on Vivian, that was rude of you. The poor man was simply trying to make polite conversation and you blew him off.

She made herself a small promise. If she and the nice man with excellent taste in suits and gym gear did happen to meet again in the morning, she would make the effort to be more friendly toward him. Life had taught Vivian that most men were decent and trustworthy. Not all were lying assholes like her ex.

When Vivian eventually headed back up the hill toward the main resort building, it was with a spring in her step. Her run of bad luck with men had to be at an end.


The sun was still a good hour from rising when Bryce stepped into the gym the following morning. He had slept, but it had been a fitful, restless mess. He had dreamed of receiving a hundred emails from Jordan in the space of an hour and then his phone had melted down from ringing nonstop. Guilt sat heavy in his chest.

He really ought to call his brother but lying was not one of Bryce’s strengths. If they spoke, it wouldn’t take long for Jordan to get the truth out of him.

I could call Matthew.Bryce was tempted to hear the friendly voice of his youngest brother. But no. He was meant to be in London. Calling Matthew would only make this already awkward situation that more complicated.

That’s the last thing I need right now. Jordan thinking I am playing the two of them off against each other.

There were barely two years between Jordan and Matthew. To say they saw one another as competition would have been a gross understatement. And if Matthew had the slightest inkling that there might be a way for him to get one up on Jordan, Bryce had no doubt he would take it.

This stays between Dad and me, until it doesn’t.

He pushed himself through a live streamed Peloton class, but despite the excellent instructor and music, his heart wasn’t in it. When he turned off the leaderboard on the bike, not caring where he was in the competition Bryce sensed it was time to hit the shower.

An hour later, freshly shaved and wearing his favorite Italian resort wear look, Bryce strolled into the Beachside Café. He took in the layout. Muted sandy beige tiles met sea blue and white. The expansive clear windows which opened onto a breathtaking view of the Pacific Ocean gave the space all the decoration it required. Bryce gave the designers a tick of approval. Only a fool would try to compete with mother nature.
