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A now familiar voice reached her ears. Vivian did a quick check of her beach wrap making sure it was still securely tied before turning.

All thoughts of her own modesty fled the second she clapped eyes on Bryce. On the fine dusting of dark hair on his naked chest. And on the low slung swim shorts he was barely wearing.

Oh boy. And I thought he looked hot in that designer suit.

She blinked slowly taking in the sight of his happy trail. It led down to a place which her imagination was well past making mental pictures of, and which also had her wondering if she had packed the recharge unit for her little battery operated friend. Vivian regretted having worn the breast hugging bikini top. Once she removed the wrap, there would be no hiding her hardened nipples.

I hope the water is warm, because that’s the first place I’m going.

Her gaze remained locked on his designer made swim trunks. They had to be couture because only a skilled pair of hands could craft such fabric magnificence. A maestro of the machine. A legend of the loom.

They hung so invitingly low, it would only take a gentle tug…

“Hey. Eyes up here.”

Oh shit.

He had caught her checking him out. There were no two ways about it. “Those are…um.” That was the extent of Vivian’s vocabulary. She was too busy wrangling her traitorous tongue, doing her all to stop it licking her lips once more, to say anything else.

When Bryce’s hands settled on his hips she didn’t know where to look. If her credit card wasn’t already maxed out, she would have offered him serious money to give the top of his trunks a little push…down. It would have been worth every cent.

“Oh god, I am so sorry. I was shamelessly ogling you,” she stammered.

And enjoying every second.

She was certain that wearing those trunks would have gotten Bryce arrested in several states. Visions of him being handcuffed and helpless sprang to mind. In her fast evolving wicked fantasy she would be the corrupt small town cop and he would have to offer his naked body to her in order to secure bail.

You have the right to remain naked. My body will be used against you.

And when she was done with him, he would forget all about his one phone call or the need for legal representation.

Vivian was doing her best to push away her lustful thoughts, but she was losing the battle. Bryce glanced down at the waistline of his shorts and grinned. “I suppose from where you stand, they look a touch indecent. I can put a shirt on if you like.”

“No.” The word came out of her mouth at an all too hasty rate. From where she stood, Bryce’s swim attire was perfect. “A shirt would ruin the look.”

He raised an eyebrow at her words. “To be honest, I’ve lost a little weight since I bought them. I’ve usually only worn them on the continent. In countries like Spain, they wouldn’t even get a second look on the beach. The Europeans have the skimpy swimwear look mastered.”

I really have to dust off my passport. And then demand a Mediterranean assignment.

“I don’t expect they will get me into much trouble here, I’m not planning on straying too far from the pool and our cabana for the next few hours.”

Our cabana?Vivian’s gaze followed to where Bryce pointed. At a nearby cabana, a resort attendant was setting a tray of sparkly drinks on a table.

Vivian broke free of her lust-filled imagination and took in the cabana. There were two loungers topped with yellow and cream striped cushions, positioned side by side. It wouldn’t take much to push them together and create a makeshift bed. The cream curtains which framed the cabana were tied back by a bright yellow sash. The décor had California sunshine vibes stamped all over it. The resort might be lacking in some aspects but around the pool they seemed to have got things right.

“You hired a cabana. For us?” He had said ‘our cabana’, not his, and for some reason that made it all the more special.

“Yes. I was kind of hoping you might want to spend some more time with me. But if you don’t, I will understand.”

Vivian brushed her teeth over her bottom lip. She was sorely tempted by the idea of spending the rest of the day with Bryce. There was no doubt that he was hot. And those swim trunks of his had her lady parts begging for some intimate attention.

But she barely knew this man, and after her recent run of shitty male encounters she was wary. Could she take a chance on this stranger?

“No obligation. No pressure. If we spend the afternoon here together at the pool, when the sun sets you can simply say a polite thank you and then take your leave. I won’t be offended, Vivian. Women shouldn’t be made to feel they have to offer anything when it comes to sharing time with a man.”

Wow. What Vivian would give to be able to clone Bryce Jones. She had met plenty of guys who thought that by paying for an espresso martini, they had a golden ticket to a quick blowjob in the back of a nightclub.

“That would be lovely, thank you Bryce,” she replied.
