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Bryce was a firm believer in manifesting your own future. Maybe the universe had been listening to his heart’s deep desire.

Why couldn’t I spend the day with this woman? She seems to like me.

Dare he take a chance?


Breakfast together became a morning walk along the beach, then a stroll through the resort grounds, which finally ended at the beach front coffee nook for another drink. As they made their way around the resort, Vivian stopped every so often to take pictures with her phone.

When he and Vivian parted later that morning, it was with the understanding that they would try and catch up later by the main resort pool.

Bryce headed back to his suite in a happier mood than he could recall feeling for quite some time. There was something about Vivian. She had a zest for life he was sadly lacking. The old proverb about all work and no play making Jack a dull boy kept rolling around in his mind.

You really need to carve out some time for yourself, Bryce Royal.

It was impossible for him to have a work life balance when he didn’t have a life outside of work.

When Bryce rang his father, Edward was in a meeting, and Janice took the call. “Your father wants you to know that the board is asking questions about how things are going in California. He has promised them a detailed report by the end of the week at the very latest and requested that I press upon you the imperative need to see the job is done properly.”

“I understand. Could you please let my father know I am doing my best. Thank you, Janice.”

As soon as the call ended, Bryce set his cell on the table with more force than was necessary. There was a reason why they made impact-proof phone covers.

Thanks for nothing, Dad. Seriously. I’m not the one who has screwed up here. Why aren’t you taking it out on Jordan, he’s the one still in New York?

His good mood of the morning evaporated. He was angry, and more than a little resentful. He could understand his father’s position and the need to get to the bottom of things, but the way that the message had been delivered struck Bryce as insensitive. Not of the pressing situation at the resort, but of him personally. This wasn’t his problem, it belonged to Jordan. He was doing everything he could to give his father, and through him the board, a clear picture of what was happening here at Laguna Beach. Edward should show a bit more appreciation.

The therapist he had been seeing in London over the past year would no doubt tell Bryce to let it go. To not fall victim to his childhood jealousy over the way his parents had always let Jordan get away with things. As the eldest child, he had been the one to toe the line, to set the example. Jordan had done what he damn well pleased, and everyone had paid the price.

Yes. Including Jordan. No one has paid higher for his actions than him.

“Breathe in. Hold for a count of three. Breathe out. Repeat.” Deep breathing exercises were the bane of his life. It annoyed him further when he was left to confess that they worked.

“Think happy thoughts.”

Now was not the time to give in to his emotions. He’d spent an hour or so with a lovely girl this morning, at the end of which they’d agreed to meet up later at the pool.

“Ok, Dad. You want a full report of how things are here. I shall do just that.”

What better way could there be to show the board and his father what their paying guests thought of the resort than to observe Vivian’s impressions of the service and offerings as she spent a relaxing afternoon at the main swimming pool, while enjoying all that a private cabana could offer?

I just happen to be the lucky guy who gets to share that time with her.


Thank heavens for Macy’s and the July sales. Vivian had treated herself to a cute red two piece swimsuit. The shirred top held her generous bust in place, and the high waisted bottoms gave her the right amount of modesty. Grace might feel comfortable in getting around in a cheeky bottom bikini during the summer, but not Vivian.

Vivian’s black beach wrap stayed securely tied until she had made it all the way from her room to the pool. She wasn’t one for lugging all her things down to the poolside change rooms and then bringing them all back. And she had no intention of attracting unwanted attention by wandering through the hotel in a bikini. As a solo female traveler, her sleezy guy radar was well-tuned.

Arriving at the adults only pool, she immediately began searching for Bryce. This was where he had said they would meet. The pool was, like much else at the resort, pretty empty.

A smattering of honeymooning couples were seated in the private cabanas which were situated a little further back from the poolside chairs and tables. When she caught sight of a cabana host carrying a tray with bottles of sparkling water and a large bottle of champagne on top, Vivian quietly sighed.

If my personal credit card wasn’t such a disaster, I might have treated myself to a cabana day. Oh, well.

While scrolling through the resort guest menu last night she had seen the poolside services and they looked amazing. But Lionel’s expense budget only went so far.

“There you are.”
