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Her heart gave a nervous flip. This man could give lessons on the perfect way to ask a woman to sleep with him. From the way Bryce’s warm words kissed her skin, Vivian sensed he knew exactly what her answer would be.

She reached out and plucked the room key card from his fingers, then tapped it against the door. The gentle click of the door unlocking spoke of her decision.

Summoning her bravery once more, Vivian stepped through the door, tugging a grinning Bryce with her.

No sooner had the door closed behind them, all pretense at polite manners fell away. Bryce backed Vivian up against the door, his hands were in her hair and their lips were locked in a fierce embrace. She sent a prayer to heaven, grateful that she had worn her super insanely high heels. It gave her valuable inches in meeting Bryce’s lofty height. Making it easier to capture and hold his lips to her sensual ransom.

His right hand pulled free of her tresses and gripped her ass tight, drawing her against him. There was no mistaking the state of his arousal. His hard cock pressed into her belly, and Vivian sighed. She couldn’t wait until this man was on top of her, between her legs and thrusting deep into her sex.

Oh yes, I am going to let you ride me like a starter in the Kentucky Derby.

Her own fingers were not idle; they set to work on the buckle of his belt, then the button of his pants. The moment the zipper reached the bottom, she slipped her hand inside and took a firm hold, seizing her prize. Bryce broke the kiss and in a gruff voice which went straight to Vivian’s sex, gently scolded, “Greedy girl, don’t be in too much of a hurry. We have all night.” He shrugged out of his jacket and threw it onto a nearby chair.

I am in so much trouble. If he calls me a bad girl, I might just explode on the spot.

She didn’t release him, rather settled into a rhythm which had him groaning against her mouth. His tongue delved deep between her lips, thrusting in time with her stroking of his cock. It was wonderful to have a hot and hard male at her mercy. Especially a guy like Bryce. There was something about him that spoke of a man who rarely let others take the lead. Who liked to be in control.

He drew back from the kiss, settling his strong, firm hand over hers. “Let’s take our time. Your pleasure also needs to be attended to Ms. Vivian.”

She was ready to melt. There was nothing left of her brain, just an urgent craving for his hands to roam all over her body. To claim what he wanted. To take what she was willing to give.

Claim me. Take me. I want it all.

Bryce’s arms settled on Vivian’s waist and he lifted her up. She wrapped her legs around him, hooking her ankles together behind his back. The gods of strappy sandals had known exactly what they were doing when they created these heels. Locked together, he carried her over to a huge California king bed.

To Vivian’s surprise he didn’t toss her on the bed, rather sat her gently, almost reverently down on the edge of the mattress. He knelt before her. “I want to make love to you Vivian. To show you a night of sexual pleasure. But first I need to hear you say that is what you want.”

Her heart swelled at his words, knowing that he acknowledged the importance of consent. There had been times at college where Vivian had found herself engaged in intimate situations that later she had come to realize had not been fully consensual on her part. She had let guys pressure her into sex, and then regretted it. Fortunately, time and experience had granted her the wisdom of knowing when to clearly articulate yes or no. To be the one who decided if, when, and with whom she had sexual relations.

With Bryce, it was a yes.

“I want you, Bryce. Skin on skin, hot and heavy.”

Their gazes met and in the depth of his dark brown eyes she could have sworn she saw flames. They were ablaze with lust. He was going to take her to the highest of heights.

His fingers settled on the straps of her evening gown, loosening them from around her neck. “This looks like an expensive dress, so I think I should remove it with care.”

Bryce got to his feet and held out his hand. Vivian eagerly accepted it, gasping as he first pulled her upright, then spun her about so she was facing away from him. If she hadn’t already been near giddy with lust, this would have done the job.

His hands settled lightly on her waist. She closed her eyes as his lips traced the same path down her spine which his fingers had done earlier. Then all the way back up. Touching. Teasing. Setting her heart racing.

“These little hook things are always a challenge,” he murmured in her ear.

She hummed. “Try doing them with your arms behind your back. It took me five minutes to get the clasp to close when I was dressing for dinner.”

The hook released. Slowly the zipper on the little blue number went all the way down. Bryce tugged the ties at Vivian’s neck free. There was nothing left to hold the dress to her body. The fabric fell with a hush and pooled at her feet. Whoever had designed this dress knew a good deal about the practicalities of being able to step out of it while wearing high heels.

Bryce, gentlemanly as ever, picked up the silk confection and laid next to his jacket on the chair. “We can’t have your pretty dress all crumpled now, can we?”

Vivian stood before him, clad only in the matching panties and strapless bra that Grace had forced her to buy when she splashed out on the dress. They were a ridiculous barely-there lace and satin set. The sort of frivolous thing a bride wore on her wedding night. Totally impractical but designed with a wicked purpose in mind.

They were a weapon of seduction.

She stifled a grin as Bryce’s gaze roamed hungrily over her body. From the way he was looking at her, she sensed he wasn’t sure where to begin the sexual feast.

“You do know you are still fully dressed,” she teased.

He nodded. “I’m aware of that fact, Vivian. Give me a minute here. It’s a tough choice between both of us getting naked straight away, or you agreeing to a spot of roleplay.”
